The Asheville Past Lives Project

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Bigelow's interest in Continuity of Consciousness

Robert Bigelow has been in the news a lot for the past year, between his involvement in the government funded program to study UFO’s, to building a facility to study and store anomalous alloys recovered from UFO’s, to an appearance on “60 Minutes” when he declared his belief in what he called “an ET presence”. So I knew that Bigelow and his facility in Las Vegas have been a focal point for research into UFO’s for decades going back to his establishment of NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science) in 1995. But what I didn’t know until I found this quote from John Alexander’s book UFO’s: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities on the VISUP blog:

"... NIDS had been established by a local real estate developer, Robert Bigelow, to examine scientifically two specific anomalous areas. One was the continuation of consciousness beyond physical death, and the other was UFOs..."

So UFO’s were the other area of interest after “continuity of consciousness beyond physical death.” What’s so interesting is that a billionaire established an organization that was in business from 1995 until 2004 to study consciousness but because the other area of interest was UFO’s no one even mentions that. More to come from this.