The Asheville Past Lives Project

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Welcome to the Celestial Component Blog

This is my space for rants only marginally connected to past lives research, dealing more with my other areas of obsession - what the mainstream refers to as 'paranormal' but I think is just to the left of normal:

-UFO's and the non-Extra Terrestrial Hypothesis (ETH);

-apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary and other interactions with non-corporeal beings;

-channeled information and how it has slipped into the mainstream;

-energetic healing modalities like EFT, TFT, Qi Gong;

-ancient aliens pro and con;

-fairies, folklore, magick and the story behind the story.

The title is an homage to Jaques Vallee, who introduced the concept of multiple components of our interactions with the "Other". 

Celestial - 

1: of, relating to, or suggesting heaven or divinity  

  • celestial beings

2: of or relating to the sky or visible heavens  

  • the sun, moon, and stars are celestial bodies

3a : ethereal, other worldly

  • celestial music

b : olympian, supreme

Those definitions about cover it. Welcome aboard.