The Asheville Past Lives Project

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Clothes from 8000 Years Ago were made from Trees?

Clothing at a Neolithic site in what is now known as Turkey that was previously thought to be made from linen, wool or flax has now been proposed to be constructed from trees - specifically from oak bast:

Bast fibers sit between the layer of bark and wood in trees, and are commonly sourced from willow and linden trees, in addition to oak. Importantly, timber from oak was used in the construction of some Çatalhöyük ((pronounced cha-tal-ho-yook) dwellings, which shows these people were no stranger to the tree.

Why is this of any importance? I love hearing about archeological studies that update our understanding of ancient cultures. The best ones toss out outmoded assumptions based on new findings. When I’m guiding a client to a past life, I ask, “What, if anything is covering the lower part of your body?” As the client orients themself in this other personality’s physical form — ideally seeing through the eye, hearing through the ears, and feeling what that person was feeling — if that past life personality had an awareness of the makeup of their clothing, the response might be, “It’s not wool, or linen, or anything obvious. It’s like it’s made from part of a tree.” At which point, the conscious mind might try to interrupt with, “That makes no sense. You can’t make clothing out of a tree.” Well, it turns out, you can, and previous cultures ingeniously did. Trusting the image, trusting the feeling accessed in response to a question requires being open to an answer that doesn’t seem logical, and being brave enough to respond in spite of uncertainty about the information. This follows up on a previous post about gladiators being a professional occupation, upending ideas long accepted and reinforced by movies (with apologies to Russell Crowe.)

“Trust the first image” is rule #1, and following the information that’s received leads to a much deeper and more interesting past life session. This becomes even more crucial when opening to Future TimeLines, where we may not have a “logical” basis for the information. This is why I won’t guide clients to Future Lives until they’ve explored more than one past life and navigated the Non-Physical Experience between lives. With that experience, we are more open to exploring a world where even the home or work environment might be strange and unfamiliar territory. If this interests you, please contact me for a free 20-minute discovery call, so I can hear about your interest in exploring past lives and answer any questions you might have.