The Asheville Past Lives Project

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Lyme Disease and a Past Lives Perspective

I have not yet written about my own personal Lyme disease journey and healing crisis due to a tick bite I received back in 2005 (while playing at the Poconos blues festival!!!) but maybe its time to address this. I shouldn’t have been surprised while was reading this article* about Lyme disease to find a reference to past lives. The author, Scott Forsgren from the better health guy blog and website (, is in recovery from Lyme and the article promotes “casting a wide net” in the healing journey. What got my interest was the first item on his list is :

Reducing the impact of negative thought patterns and past emotional traumas and conflicts

“Emotional traumas and conflicts do not necessarily have to be personally experienced; they may be inherited from our ancestors or even past lives (if one believes in this possibility).”

Among his recommendations are::

“Family constellation therapy, applied psycho-neurobiology (APN), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), BodyTalk, the Emotion Code, EFT, and related techniques may be very helpful in exploring this realm.”

I am glad to see EFT included along with EMDR to deal with what he calls “a PTSD-like condition” that results from being sick, very wise advice. I am pursuing a past lives perspective on my personal healing crisis and highly recommend it to anyone dealing with this and related illnesses. More on this as it develops. Check out the article:
