I regularly find myself interacting with people interested in NDE’s, or the Near Death Experience. So many of the accounts of people who have been taken to the edge of dying and somehow been revived have similarities to the experiences of souls between lives, or what I call the NPE - Non Physical Experience. (There’s an interesting book available on Amazon that compiles cases of Near Death Experiencers who returned with visions of the future, PAST LIVES, FUTURE VISIONS by Carla Heslop.*) Some of the most interesting research in this field is being done by Mark Pitstick who is the director of the Soul Phone Foundation, seeking a technological connection to the deceased, or who they refer to as “post-material persons.” From their website:
University-based scientific research has now definitively demonstrated that life continues after bodily death. The SoulPhone Project will very likely allow widespread communication with post-material (“deceased”) loved ones and luminaries who want to help us heal our world. How might this great news change the way you live and treat yourself and others?
Now this is not my area of expertise but I was impressed with their spirituality-based approach, and what they refer to as:
- a vast and varied amount of clinical and empirical – that is, based on firsthand experience – evidence suggests that:
You are an eternal being of energy / consciousness / spirit and an integral part of Source / God / Universe right now and always.
There are meanings behind all life’s events even if you can’t see them from your limited human perspective now. You have unique gifts to share; those are like pieces of the puzzle that, when more fully assembled, bless many people and our world.
You are on earth for a very short time for the exquisite opportunities for loving service, adventure, growth, and enjoyment. You will see your departed loved ones again and can do so now.
You are not a failure or sinner since humans learn by trial-and-error mistakes
There is no eternal hell, just temporary, self-chosen ones.
You benefit greatly by caring for the temple of your soul – your magnificent body and brain.
You have everything you need to handle all life’s changes and challenges with style, even if it doesn’t seem like it.
You can always enjoy a heavenly state of consciousness—no matter what your current situation.
This is not the usual information you hear from those offering to connect you to dead, I mean post-material loved ones. I don’t know what to make of their technology but I admire their approach. And the above guidelines can provide assistance even in day-to-day life in these chaotic times.
*Carla Heslop’s book is worth checking out if you’re interested in this topic, and at the time of writing this, it’s only $3.69 at: