The Asheville Past Lives Project

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A fascinating article about the field of Neurotheology, which the author, Andrew Newberg, has been involved with for 25 years. Newberg is co-author of "How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain." This article describes how scientists and theologians are combining their efforts, utilizing brains scanning technology while people are in deep meditation:

"Insights from the field of neurotheology can help us better understand how intense spiritual experiences affect the brain and might ultimately help people figure out the best ways of having them."

Newberg and co-author Mark Robert Waldman noticed in their research:

"…five elements seem to be common across many enlightenment experiences, whether they occur during spiritual retreats, daily meditation or prayer practices, psychedelic experiences, or even spontaneously."

  • Intensity

  • a sense of oneness or unity

  • a sense of clarity

  • a sense of surrender

  • transformation as a result

Clients have emailed me after sessions to describe what they call "expansive" and "transformative" experiences that helped them to find clarity about their presenting issue, and since "Wow!" is what I hear first from clients after a session, "intensity" is definitely a regular occurence in past lives work. From my own experience, I can attest to the power of accessing the Between Lives state as "oneness or unity. " That leaves "a sense of surrender" which is a part of the process — we let go of our present body and personality identification and allow ourselves to experience life in a different body and personality.

I would love the opportunity of having my brain scanned while accessing a Past or Future life, or even better, when in the Non-Physical Experience in-between lives. But for anyone looking to experiment with a non-psychedelic drug method of changing your brain, I suggest a series of Past Life explorations, or my new TimeLine Journeying process