A most interesting email from the 2021 Laughlin UFO conference:
The New Paradigm Institute, in response to these “warnings”, will, therefore, combine its research and investigation of The UFO Phenomenon and The E.T. Presence with the investigation and development of means by which to STOP Global Climate Change by accelerating the process of establishing direct human communication with The Occupants of The UFOs TO HELP RAISE OUR HUMAN FAMILY’S LEVEL OF “CONSCIOUSNESS” TO A “NEW PARADIGM WORLDVIEW” that includes the eminent awareness, on the part of our human family, of the REALITY of the existence of an “other” highly-intelligent and highly-technologically-developed – but distinctly NON-‘human’ – sentient species, right here in our own Milky Way Galaxy the members of which have been trying, for decades – without inappropriately “intruding” into our human culture – to motivate us to STOP destroying the life-generating systems of our planet.