First Past Lives Project Workshop
Thanks to Stacie and Chris and the WNC Crystal Toting Tree Huggers* from Enter The Earth at the Grove Arcade in beautiful downtown Asheville, I will be doing an introductory workshop on May 23rd, from 6-8:30 PM. Come join us for some background on The Awareness Techniques and its founders, William and Diane Swygard. Plus we will be doing some of the group exercises that have been so amazing at our monthly MeetUps. RSVP's are highly encouraged, seating is limited. The workshop is free but donations are accepted and appreciated.
What: Exploring Past Lives with the Awareness Techniques
When: Wednesday May 23rd at 6 PM
Where: Meet at Enter the Earth, inside the Grove Arcade, 1 Page Avenue, Downtown Asheville NC
RSVP: via email
Bring your curiosity and an open mind
*That's the MeetUps formal name. Smile when you say that...
May MeetUp scheduled at EarthFare Westgate, 5/7/18 at 6:30 PM
We'll be meeting on Monday May 7th at the EarthFare Westgate community room, 6:30 PM. The community room is located at the left rear of the store, across from the juice bar. I'll be there at 6 to answer any questions. We'll be continuing our series of group past lives explorations. Come join an amazing group of people sharing their curiosity and their experiences with past and between lives.
March MeetUp Scheduled
Monday March 5th at 6:30 PM, once again at the West Asheville Library community room, located at 942 Haywood Road. The community room can be accessed to the right of the main doors. I'll be there at 6 to answer any questions, and yes, there will be chocolate. Plus another group past life exploration, those have been very powerful and interesting. Please join us.
January 2018 MeetUp scheduled 1/8 6:30 PM
Our first MeetUp of 2018 will be Monday January 8th 6:30 PM at the West Asheville library community room, located at 942 Haywood Road. The community room is accessed through the doors to the right of the main doors. I'll be there at 6 to answer any questions. We started doing group past life exercises last year, with great success, so we'll be doing more of that. Any questions, comments, suggestions or love notes, email me at
And there will be chocolate. Come one down!
December MeetUp scheduled, 12/4
We'll be back at the North Asheville library community room for our December MeetUp on December 4th at 6:30 PM. The community room is located to the left of the main doors. We had an awesome group demonstration of a past life experience at our last MeetUp, we'll be doing that again at our December MeetUp. Please RSVP at the MeetUp page,
...or just email me so I'll know how many chairs to set up. Hope to see you there.
North Asheville Library
1030 Merrimon Avenue
Asheville NC 28804
Past Life Journey Home Calls - only in Asheville*
Where else but Asheville can you get a past life journey delivered to your home or office*? For a limited time, for $100, I will come to your home or office so you can experience a 90 minute past life journey in the comfort of your own home. Email me for details,
*20 minute radius of 28715, email for details
December MeetUp scheduled - North Asheville library
Our December MeetUp has been scheduled for December 4th, 2017. We will be back at the North Asheville library, 1030 Merrimon Avenue. The community room is accessed to the left of the main doors. We had great success with a past life journey with the whole group and will be doing this again. Any questions or comments, email me at
Hope to see you there.
November MeetUp scheduled
Our 2nd year begins with a MeetUp on November 6th at 6:30 PM. This time we are at the Earth Fare community room, 1856 Hendersonville Road, in Asheville NC. The community room is located in the left rear of the store. Please no outside food or drinks. The MeetUps are a great way to connect with other people interested in past life explorations. Its always an interesting group of people, come on down.
Any questions, email me at
100 sessions and counting
I did my 100th session this week, interestingly a 2nd session with a past lives researcher from Portugal. I'll be posting an interview with him on the blog. Only 3900 sessions away from Brian Weiss!
October MeetUp scheduled, 1 year anniversary
Our 1 year anniversary MeetUp is scheduled for October 2nd, 2017 at 6:30 PM. We’re meeting once again at the West Asheville public library, 942 Haywood Road. The community room is accessed through the doors to the right of the main entrance. I hope to see you there. Any questions email me at
PS - There will be chocolate.