Eric Wargo’s 2018 book Time Loops had the effect on me that I can only describe as what a profound psychedelic experience has for a newbie: Being led to see the physical world and consensus reality through an entirely new lens. As Wargo himself explains:
My argument in Time Loops is that our future thoughts and emotions in response to upheavals ahead get displaced in time and influence us in all the ways Freud attributed to “the unconscious.” It is best understood in dreams: Whereas Freud thought dreams symbolically represent repressed wishes and wholly relate to our past, I argue that they really represent responses to positive and negative turning points on the road ahead. However, since there is no way to fully grasp the meaning of information refluxing from our future—because only the future could give it context—the dreaming brain reaches into its grab-bag of memories and pre-existing associations to help it pre-present those alien-seeming thoughts. Dreams are thus like effigies of future thoughts sewn together from scraps of past experience, or “ruins” of future structures built from past bricks.
Wargo is strongly advocating for keeping a dream journal which acts as a record keeper for information coming from the future. So near in the future, in fact, he claims that in his experience, most information comes from 2-3 days ahead of present time.
I love that Wargo explores the role that emotions play in retrocausality, where our emotional reaction to a future event is what affects the earlier one, and that it’s not pure data from the future but our emotional reaction in the future that loops back in time. That emotional information edges out data has been central to my past lives work.
BUT…. I had a flash of insight this morning about retrocausality. The idea of the the Future influencing the Present is still based in linear time: Classical physics sees time as moving from past through the present and into the future. I have been dragged… pulled…invited to wrap my mind around a new concept of time with a capital T, where events in our Other lives — Past, Present & Future — are occurring simultaneously. In this realm, it’s not that an event from the future is influencing the present; rather, it is past, present and future all influencing each other. Simultaneously.
I call this Adjacency. “noun: the state of being adjacent; nearness.” In this case, all of our Other lives influencing each other, which means that our actions and decisions in the present can have an effect of the Adjacent lives, and vice versa. Complicating this notion is that the degree of influence from our Other lives is not consistent; it appears to vary according to some unknown force (or Hidden Hand?) yet to be determined or quantified.
I have come to the conclusion that some of us are much more aware of this information flowing back from what seems like the future. And since time is simultaneous in both directions, the same information can be flowing from our past into our present. As an example: Since our progress through Time is not linear, it is possible we are being influenced by our Adjacent Self that has already achieved the goal that we strive for.
Of course, Wargo’s book is called “Time Loops” so he recognizes the back and forth that occurs, but it doesn’t have to be the future “refluxing” into the present.
The brain may well turn out to be an organ that extracts meaning from an otherwise noisy, but constant, informational reflux from the Not Yet.
(I had to look it up to be secure in his meaning. Reflux: noun, a flowing back; ebb. Wargo uses it as a verb - refluxing - often in Time Loops.)
In Wargo’s description, the Not Yet is something that is on its way, about to arrive, and that brings with it understanding. But that is still working from linear time, and the idea from scientific materialism of the “block universe”: the idea that the future is set and unchangeable. The deeper I explore this, the more I see that ANY interaction with an Other life — past, present or future — alters that timeline in mysterious ways.
I have seen what seems to be to be retrocausality in my TimeLine Journeying sessions. But in digging deeper, I realized that this Parallel Influence or Adjacency is at work and needs to be examined. (See my 8/18/20 post on Michael Talbot’s “Your Past Lives” and the awesome stack of coins analogy.*) Obviously there is an enormous leap to be made to grasp all of this new information, which is what I am exploring with my new TimeLine Journeying process.
Gary Nolan interview on Dreamland by Whitley Strieiber
G: I think one of thing (that’s) interesting here is, imagine their timeline. Maybe their timeline is not just us, but they can contemplate us going away and the next coming along. Or maybe they’ve got multiple programs going on on thousands of planets.
W: Millions or billions, I mean, it could be endless. The universe being so huge.
G: From an evolutionary standpoint, why do we have most of the problems we have today? I think, primarily, because of the early tribalistic fights that…The tribes that won were the ones that could fight against one other tribe, and so the genes that got passed were the aggressive genes. So maybe there needs to be a few cataclysmic cycles to eventually select for genes…and mentalities that are more interactive and less disposed to…blowing each other up. Maybe the expectation, by whatever this is, is that we do end ourselves, but they’ll just work on the remainder and raise them up.
In an interview on Dreamland, Whitley’s long running podcast, w/Michael Masters from 3/13/20, referring to a time when he could ask The Visitors questions “Like they were on the other side of a TV screen.”:
W: This is what I learned. I was always very interested in Time…and I asked about Time and this was the answer. The answer was predicated on…it was about the way we perceive Time, not necessarily what the Universe is in an absolute sense…This was the answer:
“The Future you see as water. The present is a compressor. The past is like ice.” I said immediately, “Well then, we can’t ever go back in time and change the past.” And the response was, “There are bubbles in the ice.”
In that interview, Masters described Block Time:
“...Or what’s known as Landscape Time…I recently came across an article by an MIT physicist named Max Tegmark, and he put it very succinctly: We can portray our reality as a 3 dimensional reality as a place where stuff happens over time, as often times perceive it now, or as a 4 dimensional place where nothing happens., such as in the block universe. And so we have this sense that everything is moving around us, and moving through Time, but in the context of Block Time, where every moment from the very beginning of the Big Bang to the last moments where matter exists in our universe, all of those moments are already structured, they’re already laid out. And we impose this sense of movement through those things by experiencing these events with our conscious minds. We impose this movement where, really, if we understand it as 4 Dimensional block time, it’s one giant entity that encompasses all of these moments, all of these events. And it’s nearly impossible for us to picture that. We can picture 3 dimensions and then movement, but to picture 4 dimensional block time where all these things exist is much harder for us, but that is the way the physicists understand it, the most conventional view of time among them….If we go from the future to the past…we’re not disrupting anything, we’re not changing anything. We’re just interacting with the past. In fact, those interactions already exist, they’re already there before we leave to do it. And there’s s;ef consistency between those periods of time, so any change (in air quotes), any “change” that we enact…any Effect is probably a better word, any effect of us visiting the past has already manifested itself before we even left. So there’s inherent self-consistency between these different periods of Block Time.”
Max Tegmark is the author of “Our Mathematical Universe.
Apparently there is a new “Beavis and Butt-Head” movie coming out, and since this is 2022, these eternal teenage characters explore the multiverse, according to Mike Judge, the creator, director and voice artist behind the show. (Judge is also a former blues bass player from his days of living in Dallas!)
Without giving too much away, Judge teased that fans of the Beavis and Butt-Head universe will find some surprises in this new film. “There’s a [scene] where every version of you exists in an infinite universe and the smartest version of [Beavis and Butt-Head] comes into play and that was really fun to do, so was the middle-aged versions of them,” he explained.
I know it’s a given in the phenomenon of synchronicity that when you put your attention on an idea, it appears everywhere you look; like when you’re driving a red car, all you notice is similar red cars. My version is the word, Timeline. Since I started creating a new approach to past lives work incorporating all lives - past, present, and future - and calling it TimeLine Journeying, the word timeline and time travel TV shows and movies and articles keep finding me. Here’s a sample:
After confronting Picard back at his family chateau in France, Q alters reality with a snap of his omnipotent fingers, creating a new world where Starfleet has become a totalitarian regime, with Picard among its members. Realizing that Q changed history, Picard and his assembled friends pinpoint the source of the revisions to the timeline during the 21st century and travel back in time to restore history and prevent these alterations from taking place. And as Picard and his friends reacclimate to their surroundings as they move to locate the source of the temporal anomaly, the venerable Starfleet officer observes that they only have a limited amount of time before the timeline is rewritten in Q's image for good.
When being interviewed for his new album from his band, Angels and Airwaves, Tome DeLonge can’t help but include his recent research into the UFO topic:
I can't say that I'm the guy that has it in my garage to prove everything, but the evidence does not suggest it's coming from planets. The evidence suggests what physics suggests, which is that time is parallel. It's not linear. I mean, everything past, present, and future is being manifested at exactly the same moment, which could be consciousness. That unified mind light is just creating f@#*ing every possibility all at the exact same time. So does that mean some life form is really advanced at the same time that we're not, and can tune in to our timeline and then tune out? It's like dimensional. So the craft aren't spaceships, they’re more like submarines. They're more like displacement craft. They're displacing the fabric of space time and creating new geodesics that just go from here to here, bypassing timelines.
Filmmaker Lisa Joy, promoting her new movie, Reminiscence:
I am obsessed with time. There’s never enough of it, especially with the ones you love. And maybe one way to have more of it is to live in multiple worlds every day, to create whole new timelines and dimensions.
Michael Pollan on Joe Rogan Experience podcast, talking about studying plants with time lapse photography which gives us the opportunity to see them as “active agents” with a different timeline:
“You see them (plants) as personalities with life experiences, successes and failures, in a way you never do.
JR: It’s just a timeline issue.
MP: It is. We live in a very specific dimension of time, and other creatures live in different dimensions of time…So, we need to be able to imagine these other dimensions. The tool of time lapse photography is a powerful one for showing us.
From an email about a group advocating for a conscious community that someone sent me because of this passage:
As we start to realize, when we expand our consciousness, linear time is an illusion. There is no clock in nature that defines the exact time of when a seed needs to start sprouting. All we ever live in is in the HERE and NOW. That is the only time and space that is real. In a quantum field of possibilities, our reality is not as fixed as we would believe it to be, it is actually very fluid. When we stop seeing reality as linear timeline(s), access points into reality are always here and now - be it past or future.
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>I I am encouraged that others, both in the consciousness field as well as the arts, are awakening to a new concept of Time and how we navigate through it.
Interesting bit of dialogue in Season 2 of “12 Monkeys” between Katarina, the scientist who built the time machine that drives the plot, and Jennifer, who in spite of her schizophrenia, holds some of the answers to the plague that devastated the planet in 2015, and was responsible for releasing it in one timeline:
J: Cause and effect; chicken/egg; beginning/end; not so simple….A colony of ants in a line, hundreds, thousands. But one ant only knows of three — one in front, one behind, and itself. Until it steps out of line, then it sees everything. You’re looking wrong.
K: Looking at what wrong?
J: Time. You don’t know how it works…
Ah yes, stepping outside of Time is the first step in understanding it. I love the “ants in a line” analogy — only being capable of seeing in front and behind of itself. The main characters in the TV version of 12 Monkeys are going back in time before a plague in 2015 killed billions of people, intentionally breaking the timeline to stop the plague before it is/was released. Later in that season, Katerina says: “This is causality driven insane” and “Time is broken. Causality is in flux!”as she watches from her lab in 2044 as those breaks in the space/time continuum ripple into her timeline. One of the main characters is torn between stopping a plague that killed billions as he recognizes that the son he loves in 2044 will not be born if he assists in changing that timeline. Another TV series, “Timeless” did a great job of handing this. Upon returning from a timeline, those time travelers checked their news database to see if they interrupted that ol’ space-time continuum and changed anything. And an unintended change in the timeline is used as a plot point where the sister of one of the main characters vanishes due to an interruption.
But is this still working from a linear model — Time moving past to present to future, so changing the past to alter a known future outcome? What if it’s more of a Torus than a straight line?
Watching these shows in the light of my awakening to Time with a capital T made me recognize that the concept of Simultaneous Time wreaks havoc on Time Machine stories. It’s relatively simple, at least in terms of plot, for the protagonist to move backwards or forwards into a different incarnation. But visiting an earlier position in the same timeline? Problematic, since these shows use a time machine to send people back physically to different eras.
Bruce Goldberg and other practitioners advise that the origin of an issue is as likely to be in the future as in the past, which wouldn’t work in most Time Travel media. But I do appreciate it when writers struggle with the complications in these time travel scenarios, and both of these TV shows, “Timeless” and “12 Monkeys” navigate the curves in this track well. Here’s a list I consulted:
I highly recommend Arrival, but my personal fave is not on the list — 2004’s Primer:
Sometimes a low budget indie film can deal with this complicated subject better than a mega-bucks Hollywood film.
Any Time Travel/Timeline warping movie suggestions, email me at:
Future Lives in "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever"
I was blown away to see mention of future lives in the 1970 musical, “On a Clear Day You Can See Forever.” In this film, a psychiatrist has jeopardized his job by researching reincarnation with a patient but instead of being fired, the university president informs him that a rich donor, a Mr. Stratton, is willing to fund his research. Why?
It occurred to him that if it’s possible to identify one’s previous incarnations, it might be also possible to determine one’s future ones, in which case Mr. Stratton could leave his money to himself.
When asked if he is okay with this direction, the president replies:
No, I think reincarnation is appalling. It kills ambition, perpetuates human misery, and propagates false hopes. And it’s obviously a pack of lies.
Further uses for my TimeLine Journeying process are under consideration.
“Understanding the mechanisms for encoding time and memory” is the work undertaken by a team led by Leila Reddy, a neuroscientist at the Brain and Cognition Research Center (CerCo) at the French National Centre for Scientific Research. I appreciate that these scientists are solely focused on the present life and brain, and the ways it encodes and processes the flow of time. Working with my new TimeLIne Journeying process has given me an enhanced appreciation for how we encode and process Time with a capital T - Simultaneous Time - and how these adjacent lives are flowing into our present awareness. When we combine that with taking conscious responsibility and acting from awareness that present day choices and experiences are looping back to our Other lives, we have a new approach to life n the 21st century. I came to the realization that journeying to Past and Future lives is time travel. Granted, it is limited to our own experiences and incarnations, but the events in linear time that people are drawn to, or even obsessed with, can be a clue to our personal Other ives. If someone’s passion is to time travel to the Civil War battle at Gettysburg, or the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, or (someone who gets way too much attention in this topic) Cleopatra’s home life, that passion is a starting point to explore these lives, since highly charged emotions and emotional states can be a clue and a bridge to our own TimeLines. I propose TimeLine Journeying as a new tool, a spiritual technology, to unravel the secret of Time, and this is where my work aligns with neuroscientist Leila Reddy and her team:
“Though we may take this ability of “mental time travel” for granted, our conception of the flow of time is a fundamental part of the shared human experience of reality, which is reason enough to try to unravel its secrets.”
How about this for a bumper sticker - “TimeLine Journeying: Unraveling the Secrets of Time since 2020”?
Listening to Michael Pollan on Joe Rogan Experience podcast talking about studying plants with time lapse photography which gives us the opportunity to see them as “active agents” with a different timeline:
MP: You see them (plants) as personalities with life experiences, successes and failures, in a way you never do.
JR: It’s just a timeline issue.
MP: It is. We live in a very specific dimension of time, and other creatures live in different dimensions of time…So, we need to be able to imagine these other dimensions. The tool of time lapse photography is a powerful one for showing us.
Prior to cancelling my subscription to the Mysterious Universe podcast, the subscriber version of the podcast (MU 23.12 - The DMT Spy) led me on a journey into “high” strangeness in the form of Charles Dodgson-Censor’s “DMT and the Soul of the Multiverse.” (I recognized the title as an homage, I hope, to Christopher Bache’s “LSD and the Mind of the Universe.”) MU hosts Aaron Wright and Benjamin Grundy delighted in the weirdness of the author’s journey where he claimed to be an experienced psychedelic traveler sufficiently comfortable with the “occupants” encountered through the use of DMT that he was brought into a secret government program seeking to establish contact with these “interdimensionals.” On the surface, the story sounds bonkers, and the podcast had fun with its travels through deeper and deeper levels of the DMT world that other psychonauts have described, and the surprising encounter that author Charles Dodgson-Censor (CDC from here on) had at the end of his journey. (I won’t spoil it, check out the book or the podcast for details.) I was intrigued enough to check out the Kindle version where I found astonishing depth in CDC’s reports of his encounters. This quote made it into my notes:
One of the most common misapprehensions people have about our world, and its corporeal notions of concrete reality, is that our universe and its specific cosmic stratum, is somehow the “baseline reality,” to which all other realms are simply “occult” or “paranormal” accessories. They are profoundly mistaken. Our tangible everyday “reality” is no more “normal” than any of the other innumerable planes which interpenetrate and often interact with our own. Just like our former conceit, before Copernicus disabused (us of) this childish notion, that we are the centre of the universe, is now generally rejected. We now know that we are most certainly not the centre of the Multiverse either. We are just one specific frequency amongst an almost infinite variety of different frequencies. And all these innumerable “alien realms” and “parallel dimensions” have equal reality and ontological validity as our own.
Way deeper than I was expecting, especially since I had the suspicion that CDC was writing under a pseudonym — there aren’t any other books or websites connected to his name and Charles Dodgson is the actual name of “Alice in Wonderland” author Lewis Carroll, a book reframed as a psychedelic trip in the 1960’s.* Synchronistically, an online UFO conference I attended featured a lecture by Andrew Gallimore advocating for psychedelics as a “Molecular Technology” granting us access to “inter-dimensional citizens.” What was more surprising what Gallimore’s championing of the use of “target-controlled intravenous infusion” of DMT** utilizing medical equipment normally used for anesthesia to deliver a consistent dose allowing the psychedelic experience to last beyond the 3-4 minutes from smoking or oral ingestion to hours or even days! This is the technology that CDC claims allowed him to attain the depth and duration needed to access those multiple layers of the “inter-dimensional citizens” that Gallimore described, lending credibility to his story.
Upon meeting those “Interdimensionals”, CDC writes:
They were particularly fascinated by our perceptual framework of consciousness, our neurological wiring - which to them was both strange and intriguing. Our biological constitution and evolution and theirs were so vastly different, that they found it extremely difficult to conceptualise our modalities of thought. Our thought-processes at times being almost incomprehensible…They instead possess an incredible precision of thought which is so rigorously intense it is to us psychologically devastating.
That is why the task CDC undertook via intravenous DMT required an experienced psychonaut to be able to function in the presence of such “precision of thought.” There is a mind boggling reveal at the end of that journey that I won’t divulge so I don’t spoil the ride for those that read the book, but it is consistent with my personal deep dives that I’ll be writing more about in the near future.
Once again, I am not advocating for DMT or psychedelics. My fascination is with accessing these same depths, and possibly its inter-dimensional citizenry, without drugs, utilizing expanded consciousness and my new TimeLine Journeying Process. And if you were wondering what this has to do with Time, these “independent realities” that CDC accessed through DMT exist outside of our concrete physical reality and linear time, a topic he addresses in the most unique way: Dodgson-Censor’s final chapter is an excerpt from a declassified CIA report on the Monroe Institute’s Gateway process, which includes this passage referencing the “universal hologram”:
By reflecting on this model, it becomes possible to “see” how human consciousness brought to a sufficiently altered (focused) state could obtain information concerning the past, present and future since they all exist simultaneously…
Full circle to my TimeLine Journeying process, the goal of which is to access that “sufficiently focused state” that begins with acknowledging Simultaneous Time, exploring (linear) Past & Future Timelines, and beyond to the equally real Multiverse however that presents itself to our present day personality and belief structure. I advocate for taking this “trip” via spiritual, not molecular, technology and propose that with sufficient experience in the Past and Future realms, a seasoned “Chrono-naut,” to borrow Dr. Bruce Goldberg’s term, can access what CDC calls “these occluded but nevertheless authentic and independent realities” utilizing my TimeLIne Journeying process. I credit those brave Psychonauts for opening the doors of perception and holding them open so that we can enter without the use of psychedelics. Check out “DMT and the Mind of the Multiverse,” it’s a $6.88 investment you won’t regret. I’ll give Dodgson-Censor the last word:
Only time (if it has ever truly existed) will tell.
Found a nice clean trade paperback copy of Chet Snow’s “Mass Dreams of the Future.” Review to follow
Time present and time past / Are both perhaps present in time future.
T S Eliot, Four Quartets
The late Mac Tonnies was one of the great thinkers and writers on UFO and paranormal subjects, and his book “THE CRYPTOTERRESTRIALS” is a must read for anyone desiring to go beyond the standard model for “Aliens” presented by the popular media. I am grateful to prolific author and blogger Nick Redfern for calling attention to some of Tonnies’ ideas on Time and the Grandfather Paradox* cited by physicists such as Stephen Hawking. Thanks to the crew at the Mysterious Universe blog for posting this:
Mac Tonnies, the late author of the book ‘After the Martian Apocalypse’, which is a study of the controversial “Face on Mars” mystery, believed he had the answer to the potential problems cited by Hawking: “Stephen Hawking condemned time travel because, in his opinion, it should enable a constant stream of visitors from our own future. He assumes, perhaps unwisely, that we’d be aware of these visitors, when in truth it’s remarkably easy to think of reasons our ancestors might choose not to visit at all.” Tonnies continued: “Other physicists are at work refuting the paradox of going back in time and killing your parents before you are born. If they’re right, a time traveler from the future could interact with others, including his or her past self, so long as no action was taken that would endanger the traveler’s own continued existence. It’s difficult to visualize how this might work, although the idea makes logical sense. Maybe the best analogy would be a physical system that relies on a principle of least action, such as a ball rolling inexorably downhill.”
He further noted: “The fascinating upshot of this is that there’s a chance we’re indeed being visited by advanced beings from our own future, but their interactions with us would be necessarily limited lest they doom themselves to nonexistence.” Tonnies also wonders if the many UFO sightings that have been reported for decades may not be due to the actions of aliens from the other side of the galaxy, but the result of time-traveling humans masquerading as ET to keep secret their real point of origin. “If time travel is possible,” said Tonnies, “the behavior of UFOs may be at least partially explained: formal contact with us would result in a causality violation of some sort, so they must remain content with maintaining their presence behind a curtain of subterfuge.
I’m glad to read that Tonnies also considered that time-traveling humans could be behind the sightings of UFO’s in the sky and “aliens” walking the Earth, a belief I share and am exploring in my research.
*The Grandfather Paradox is often cited by physicists as proof that Time Travel cannot exist: “a potential logical problem that would arise if a person were to travel to a past time. The name comes from the idea that if a person travels to a time before their grandfather had children, and kills him, it would make their own birth impossible.”
I had been eagerly awaiting Christopher Nolan’s new mind-bending, time-twisting movie Tenet after his last 2 films that explored dreams within dreams (Inception) and time loops (Interstellar). Hearing that Tenet was about a nefarious group that had weaponized Time made it more intriguing. After the lockdown made it almost impossible to see in theaters, I was glad to see it show up for rental at Redbox. Sadly, it was a huge disappointment. The early reviews were about how confusing it was; all of the time bending material I had no problem with. My issue was that it had no soul; it’s a cold technocratic extravaganza with no characters I cared about. I purchased it for 2 nights, fully expecting to watch it twice to get the finer aspects of the story, as was needed with Inception and Interstellar. I could barely make it through one viewing. The film alternated between a painfully loud sound mix that had me reaching for the remote and muddled dialogue that required subtitles. Maybe it made as much sense as it did because I watched it with Closed Captioning on, as if it were a foreign film. There are some fantastic ideas in Tenet hidden behind all the explosions, but it took visiting multiple websites to make sense of the convoluted details of the plot.
If you want mindless entertainment - car crashes and buildings exploding both forward and backwards! - then it’s still an over-long popcorn movie. But the concepts regarding time would be annoyingly confusing to that audience.
Director Christopher Nolan has been in the news lately railing against one of the major film studios releasing their slate of films online only in 2021, and I’d previously supported his position. But this film shows an artist addicted to mega-budgets, and the explosions and multi vehicle car crashes that money allows at the expense of the human stories that made his previous films worth watching multiple times. (The Prestige is still my favorite Nolan film that holds up to repeated viewings; it has a solid through-line of a story that’s worth the effort & David Bowie as Tesla!) I’d love to see him make a small movie that takes a deeper dive into his next-level concepts of time and alternate realities. My favorite time loop movie is still Primer, made for less than one day of filming on this film. Maybe if there is one benefit from 2020’s cultural and technological shifts away from big screen blockbusters, the budgetary constraints caused by the shift to online viewing might bring a return to creativity that seems lost in Tenet.
But there is hope: my local Redbox also delivered another time travel film: Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure!
UFO Historian Richard Dolan Opens the Time Door
I saw Richard Dolan’s unsettling presentation on the dangers of AI at the 2019 Contact in the Desert, and his background as a historian was in evidence. I don’t always agree with him but he’s one of the voices in the UFO community that represents a scholarly approach to the subject. Interestingly, in his new book, The Alien Agendas: A Speculative Analysis of Those Visiting Earth, he indulges his speculative side for the first time. In the first chapter, he allows that:
I long ago concluded that the most reasonable explanation for the best UFO reports is that “others” are here, somehow, from somewhere.
Speculating further on the origins of these “others,” he opens the Time door just a crack:
Our best evidence indicates that at least part of the phenomenon, the core part of the UFO phenomenon, very likely includes what we would call aliens. We could say they are extraterrestrial, or we might ponder if they are interdimensional in some way, or even whether they might be time travelers of some sort. Or perhaps there are other explanations and scenarios. I am not inclined to believe in most of them, but we can make a reasonable case that at the very least they are not us. They derive from a civilization that is not our own, and is not from here. (Bold print mine)
Some sort of time traveler is an interesting take on this subject in the light of my (for now) behind the scenes work. And yes, he almost instantly closes that door with his “I am not inclined to believe in most of (these scenarios.)” But even considering time travel as an explanation is a huge leap for a historian to take, so his openness is appreciated.
Maybe there’s more behind that Time door. I’ve just started the book, I’ll share more when it’s finished.
I stumbled on an interesting Time-based show from Norway on HBO MAX called “BEFOREIGNERS” as in Before- mixed w/Foreigners. Wild premise:
-a time portal opens up at multiple sites around the world, and thousands of people have come through but only from 3 time periods. The show takes place in a world struggling to incorporate inhabitants from the Stone Age, Norse culture, and the 1800’s, all now living snd working in modern day Norway. It becomes a clever police procedural when a woman from Norse culture is brought on board the Oslo police department in a bid to make it “multi-temporal” and is paired with a male officer coming off sabbatical with a hidden drug problem. The scenes shown behind the credits depict life in Norway with those Beforeigners mostly failing to adapt to modernity and clinging to their old (sometimes ancient) cultures in Oslo’s city center. The seroies comments on issues of immigration and assimilation are compounded by the clash of civilizations between Norse, Neanderthal, Bohemian and Norwegian cultures.
So we’ve got a time portal; unwitting time travelers displaced and now stuck in the 21st century; a mysterious underground drug, ”time drops”; references to “time-igrants” and being “time-is” plus the added hilarity of moderns choosing to be “trans-temporal” who fake their “time-igration” and adopt ancient cultures by radical means.
And they use classic 60’s blues songs on their soundtrack, like Bobby “Blue” Bland’s “Ain’t No Love in the Heart of the City” under the opening credits, which endears the film makers to me. Beforeigners packs a lot of entertainment in it’s 6 episodes, and it’s season finale hints at further intrigue with lines like “The government wants you to think that time is a one-way street.”
HBO Europe has already picked it up for a 2nd season.
“BEFOREIGNERS” is right on Time.
Reading Anthony Peake's THE LABYRINTH OF TIME
More to come from Peake’s excellent 2012 book, “The Labyrinth of Time: The Illusion of Past, Present, and Future.” The title says it all, so glad to find another researcher who has traversed the Time Door. In his introduction, he alerted me to this bit of news:
I was astonished to discover that this word is the most-used noun in the English language. It is a small, four-letter word that contains within it so much mystery. Indeed, the very word itself cannot really be defined in any accurate or meaningful way.
I did some desktop digging and found this article from 2019:
For those who think the world is obsessed with "time," an Oxford dictionary added support to the theory Thursday in announcing that the word is the most often used noun in the English language.
Right on Time.
Jacques Vallee talks Time on the Edge of Reality Podcast w/Lee Speigel
Jacques Vallee has been way ahead of many of the “nuts and bolts” Ufologists in pointing to the role that Time plays in this phenomena. And I love the fact that he refers to the UFO phenomena as a “form of consciousness” that doesn’t have to be extraterrestrial, opening the door to a multi-dimensional origin. I have been trying to locate the source for an interview he gave where he proposed that, and I’m paraphrasing until I find the exact quote, the question isn’t WHERE they come from but WHEN.
Edge of Reality podcast 8/1/19
…(I)f the UFO phenomenon could be verified then we would have a much greater basis for trying to locate the origin of whatever form of consciousness is coming here. In addition to that, it may not be extraterrestrial. There could be UFOs coming from time or coming from other dimensions… I still have friends who are working in astrophysics and what they tell me is that the whole concept of space and time needs a big revision; that space and time may just be a secondary effects of something else that is more fundamental. So what we perceive as space and time may not be the fundamental basis of the universe. When you think about that, if space and time are negotiable,…We already know from Einstein that a lot of things about space and time are negotiable, like the perception of speed, and so forth, the perception of delay, but the idea that time might be traversable,…I used to joke with Dr. (Allen) Hynek that maybe there is another universe just 5 minutes ahead of us. If there is another universe five minutes ahead of us, which is by the way a valued speculation in physics today, it's very hard to test it but there might be phenomena that would lead us in that direction as one of the hypotheses. Why couldn't a form of consciousness transcend the difference transcend the difference between us and them?
And if they are working outside of linear time as we perceive it, then they may have already transcended that gap between us, and could be comfortable navigating the differences between us in ways that seems magical to those of us still in linear time.
It’s taken me decades to catch up to Vallee in appreciating this aspect of the phenomena, and the clues that Time and Multi-Dimensionality provide us about consciousness itself.
Mary Lee LaBay is also Right On Time
I haven’t quoted from Mary LaBay’s excellent emails lately; her work figures prominently in my Past Lives Project blog. This one got my attention for its focus on Time, and most importantly, LaBay explains her approach to Simultaneous Time and it’s role in the manifestation process.This is from an email she sent out in November 2020:
I talk a lot about past lives, and you may wonder what that would have to do with manifesting what you want your future to look like. Well, it does, and I'm happy to explain.
First, let me explain that time is a dimension. Just like length, width, height, gravity, electricity, magnetism, the weak atomic force, the strong atomic force, Higgs Field, dark energy, dark matter, ....there's time. Each is perpendicular to all the others which keeps them separate (among other things). If you can build a model of that in your head, please let me know, as it's a mind-twister.
But that's all just the long way of introducing you to the concept that all time is now. Just like gravity, time is a field. It's sitting out there waiting for us to experience it. All the moments of time that you have experienced throughout your eternal life (past, present, and future) are in a static freeze-frame state like drops of water in a swimming pool. Your consciousness moves you through those freeze frames in a manner that appears to be a linear timeline.
Now, imagine that the pool has lanes for swimming laps, and picture yourself swimming in your lane (your linear timeline). For the purposes of this discussion, we'll say you started at the shallow end (past) and are heading toward the deep end (future). Now if you do nothing different, just keep at your butterfly stroke (or dog paddle if you swim like me), you'll end up experiencing whatever is at the deep end of your lane. You'll live out your fate.
But let's say you begin to realize that this lane isn't offering you all that you want out of life. There are other lanes that are more exciting, more fulfilling, more enlightening. When achieving these values becomes more urgent than the familiarity of staying in your lane, you'll feel compelled to figure out how you are going to cross the ropes and go for it. (Excercise your free will.)
Choosing well is going to require a clear vision of your goal, energy, and strategy, not to mention courage and conviction. But, hell, what else have you got to do except keep paddling in your lane?
There's a lot more to this explanation than I can share in one article. However, let's tie it back to past lives.Let's say you manage to get to the next lane over. A small incremental shift, yet a step in the right direction. You grab a flotation noodle and take a break, You look back at the shallow end, and you see that now that you're in a different lane, the shallow end looks different. You have a slightly altered past in this lane that has led you to the present moment with this somewhat different future. I mean, you really didn't think you could be a new version of yourself while maintaining all the same experiences that created the former you, right? Things had to be different in order to get you to a different result.
So now you have to let go of that old lane and all the moments and experiences that supported it. Embrace the new lane, explore the new version of your past in this life and in past lives further back. You see? Notice the variations and choose them as real.
This is major component of how you manifest, how you have extraordinary healing experiences, and how you attain grander goals.And now, one last step to make this transition to your desired goals even more effective. We'll just touch on this step today. Instead of switching lanes in the present moment as discussed, you can do it in the past.
Mind-blowing, I know. While you're in your original lane, you can float on that noodle once again. Take a rest and look back to other lifetimes you've experienced along the way.
With proper guidance, you can explore one or more lifetimes and actually cross to the next lane within that regression. Yes. Cross to the more desirable lane while you are exploring a past life regression. That can happen. Now the new lane collapses into reality earlier along the timeline and sets in motion the events that lead to your new desired destination that you experience today.
The thrust of much futurism since the 1950s has been toward space exploration and the prospect of colonizing Mars and exploiting the solar system’s resources. But I think the real final frontier for our species (and any intelligent, technological civilization) is going to be Time. Our destiny, if we do not destroy ourselves, is to become timefarers and something like history gardeners, sowing seeds in the past for a better tomorrow.
If you’re reading this, you too can become a History Gardener! The above quotation is from Eric Wargo’s excellent blog, TheNightshirt. I’m still reading his amazing book, TIME LOOPS, and it’s the most paradigm shifting book since Michael Talbot’s 1991 THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE. That book opened our awareness to the implications for consciousness in Quantum Physics. Wargo, in what, incredibly, is his first book, introduces so many new concepts, and accompanying phrases, that it’s going to take some time to process the implications of this for my TimeLine Journeying practice. (But I was hooked when I noticed he refers to time with a capital T.) The basic idea is presented in Chapter 1:
Information from our future somehow seems able to exert an influence over our behavior…That it so often seems to operate outside of conscious awareness suggests that precognition may be a very primitive, basic guidance system.
This concept of precognition turns the idea of of ESP as “second sight” on its head. Wargo refers to James Carpenter’s argument that it “manifests constantly in our lives as part of an always-unconscious faculty he calls ‘first sight’” that is “always at work, but always out of sight.”
Deep breath….
What attracted me to Wargo and TIME LOOPS was my recent baptism and immersion in time with a capital T. Once I entered this doorway, it not only altered every perception I had about past/present/future, it affected my awareness of “other” lives in ways I am still exploring. But Wargo sees this basic idea, that “future events exert an influence over present behavior” in EVERYTHING, from Freudian theory of the unconscious mind and neuroses, to magic, to clairvoyance and telepathy, to the creative process, to the double slit experiment that upended Newtonian physics, to ESP; AND he brilliantly explains this in a way that a non-physicist can process. Exploring any one of these areas would be mind-blowing, yet he surfs these ideas with grace and a much appreciated sense of humor.
Clairvoyance and telepathy influenced by future events and behaviors? Another deep breath…
The subtitle of TIME LOOPS sets the stage:
“Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious”
Let’s unpack:
Precognition is “the accessing of knowledge a person will acquire in his or her own future, often directly related to some rewarding or troubling learning experience ahead.” Precognition is “about our personal experiences, not about other people’s experiences or events in objective reality.” This aspect of personal experience is central to Wargo’s theory about Time Loops.
Time Loops are “baffling, causally circular situations in which a precognitive experience (future knowledge) partly contributes to the fulfillment of the recognized event.” To unpack that unpacking, an event in the future creates or adds to a present time event, creating a circular pattern between future and present. I’ve been seeing this in my TimeLine Journeying sessions. It took reading TIME LOOPS to recognize how it operates behind the scenes.
Retrocausation is reversed causality, the opposite of Newtonian physics “every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” Wargo proposes that Time is a continuum comprised of past, present and future in which the future can, and does, directly influence the present to provide awareness of a future-experience-to-come, therefore the reaction can seem to precede the action.
Some of the other terms he uses and/or introduces are:
Precognized; premember; prehaviorist; and my favorite - Premory: memory in reverse. Because Wargo is taking us to the leading edge, a new language is necessary to encapsulate these ideas. I’ve processed all of this paradigm-shifting information and I’m only 20% through the Kindle version, so I am using this blog to marinate in his wisdom as I incorporate it into my TimeLine Journeying process. Welcome to my work in progress.
I’ll leave you with this quote from an excellent interview with Greg Bishop on his Radio Misterioso podcast*:
“Just to realize that your mind is transcending the present moment, and that even if you consciously feel like you’re here in your body, sitting at your desk, whatever you’re doing in that moment… your mind is transcending that profoundly and possibly even that its … extending across your whole life. That’s the argument I’m trying to make because there are experiences, recorded experiences, that do suggest that our behavior, our thoughts right now in the present moment, could be shaped by events that will happen decades from now.”
Maybe even in a future life? Stay tuned…
*Eric Wargo interview on Radio Misterioso January 15, 2019:
PS: SquareSpace is incapable of coding superscript, those little numbers at the end of a paragraph that guide the reader to footnotes, so I’m using *. Do hipsters not use footnotes? Yeah, I know: hyperlinks. Not the same.