Prior to cancelling my subscription to the Mysterious Universe podcast, the subscriber version of the podcast (MU 23.12 - The DMT Spy) led me on a journey into “high” strangeness in the form of Charles Dodgson-Censor’s “DMT and the Soul of the Multiverse.” (I recognized the title as an homage, I hope, to Christopher Bache’s “LSD and the Mind of the Universe.”) MU hosts Aaron Wright and Benjamin Grundy delighted in the weirdness of the author’s journey where he claimed to be an experienced psychedelic traveler sufficiently comfortable with the “occupants” encountered through the use of DMT that he was brought into a secret government program seeking to establish contact with these “interdimensionals.” On the surface, the story sounds bonkers, and the podcast had fun with its travels through deeper and deeper levels of the DMT world that other psychonauts have described, and the surprising encounter that author Charles Dodgson-Censor (CDC from here on) had at the end of his journey. (I won’t spoil it, check out the book or the podcast for details.) I was intrigued enough to check out the Kindle version where I found astonishing depth in CDC’s reports of his encounters. This quote made it into my notes:

One of the most common misapprehensions people have about our world, and its corporeal notions of concrete reality, is that our universe and its specific cosmic stratum, is somehow the “baseline reality,” to which all other realms are simply “occult” or “paranormal” accessories. They are profoundly mistaken. Our tangible everyday “reality” is no more “normal” than any of the other innumerable planes which interpenetrate and often interact with our own. Just like our former conceit, before Copernicus disabused (us of) this childish notion, that we are the centre of the universe, is now generally rejected. We now know that we are most certainly not the centre of the Multiverse either. We are just one specific frequency amongst an almost infinite variety of different frequencies. And all these innumerable “alien realms” and “parallel dimensions” have equal reality and ontological validity as our own.

Way deeper than I was expecting, especially since I had the suspicion that CDC was writing under a pseudonym — there aren’t any other books or websites connected to his name and Charles Dodgson is the actual name of “Alice in Wonderland” author Lewis Carroll, a book reframed as a psychedelic trip in the 1960’s.* Synchronistically, an online UFO conference I attended featured a lecture by Andrew Gallimore advocating for psychedelics as a “Molecular Technology” granting us access to “inter-dimensional citizens.” What was more surprising what Gallimore’s championing of the use of “target-controlled intravenous infusion” of DMT** utilizing medical equipment normally used for anesthesia to deliver a consistent dose allowing the psychedelic experience to last beyond the 3-4 minutes from smoking or oral ingestion to hours or even days! This is the technology that CDC claims allowed him to attain the depth and duration needed to access those multiple layers of the “inter-dimensional citizens” that Gallimore described, lending credibility to his story.

Upon meeting those “Interdimensionals”, CDC writes:

They were particularly fascinated by our perceptual framework of consciousness, our neurological wiring - which to them was both strange and intriguing. Our biological constitution and evolution and theirs were so vastly different, that they found it extremely difficult to conceptualise our modalities of thought. Our thought-processes at times being almost incomprehensible…They instead possess an incredible precision of thought which is so rigorously intense it is to us psychologically devastating.

That is why the task CDC undertook via intravenous DMT required an experienced psychonaut to be able to function in the presence of such “precision of thought.” There is a mind boggling reveal at the end of that journey that I won’t divulge so I don’t spoil the ride for those that read the book, but it is consistent with my personal deep dives that I’ll be writing more about in the near future.

Once again, I am not advocating for DMT or psychedelics. My fascination is with accessing these same depths, and possibly its inter-dimensional citizenry, without drugs, utilizing expanded consciousness and my new TimeLine Journeying Process. And if you were wondering what this has to do with Time, these “independent realities” that CDC accessed through DMT exist outside of our concrete physical reality and linear time, a topic he addresses in the most unique way: Dodgson-Censor’s final chapter is an excerpt from a declassified CIA report on the Monroe Institute’s Gateway process, which includes this passage referencing the “universal hologram”:

By reflecting on this model, it becomes possible to “see” how human consciousness brought to a sufficiently altered (focused) state could obtain information concerning the past, present and future since they all exist simultaneously…

Full circle to my TimeLine Journeying process, the goal of which is to access that “sufficiently focused state” that begins with acknowledging Simultaneous Time, exploring (linear) Past & Future Timelines, and beyond to the equally real Multiverse however that presents itself to our present day personality and belief structure. I advocate for taking this “trip” via spiritual, not molecular, technology and propose that with sufficient experience in the Past and Future realms, a seasoned “Chrono-naut,” to borrow Dr. Bruce Goldberg’s term, can access what CDC calls “these occluded but nevertheless authentic and independent realities” utilizing my TimeLIne Journeying process. I credit those brave Psychonauts for opening the doors of perception and holding them open so that we can enter without the use of psychedelics. Check out “DMT and the Mind of the Multiverse,” it’s a $6.88 investment you won’t regret. I’ll give Dodgson-Censor the last word:

Only time (if it has ever truly existed) will tell.

