Mary Lee LaBay is also Right On Time

I haven’t quoted from Mary LaBay’s excellent emails lately; her work figures prominently in my Past Lives Project blog. This one got my attention for its focus on Time, and most importantly, LaBay explains her approach to Simultaneous Time and it’s role in the manifestation process.This is from an email she sent out in November 2020:

I talk a lot about past lives, and you may wonder what that would have to do with manifesting what you want your future to look like. Well, it does, and I'm happy to explain. 

First, let me explain that time is a dimension. Just like length, width, height, gravity, electricity, magnetism, the weak atomic force, the strong atomic force, Higgs Field, dark energy, dark matter, ....there's time. Each is perpendicular to all the others which keeps them separate (among other things). If you can build a model of that in your head, please let me know, as it's a mind-twister

But that's all just the long way of introducing you to the concept that all time is now. Just like gravity, time is a field. It's sitting out there waiting for us to experience it. All the moments of time that you have experienced throughout your eternal life (past, present, and future) are in a static freeze-frame state like drops of water in a swimming pool. Your consciousness moves you through those freeze frames in a manner that appears to be a linear timeline.

Now, imagine that the pool has lanes for swimming laps, and picture yourself swimming in your lane (your linear timeline). For the purposes of this discussion, we'll say you started at the shallow end (past) and are heading toward the deep end (future). Now if you do nothing different, just keep at your butterfly stroke (or dog paddle if you swim like me), you'll end up experiencing whatever is at the deep end of your lane. You'll live out your fate. 

But let's say you begin to realize that this lane isn't offering you all that you want out of life. There are other lanes that are more exciting, more fulfilling, more enlightening.  When achieving these values becomes more urgent than the familiarity of staying in your lane, you'll feel compelled to figure out how you are going to cross the ropes and go for it. (Excercise your free will.)

Choosing well is going to require a clear vision of your goal, energy, and strategy, not to mention courage and conviction. But, hell, what else have you got to do except keep paddling in your lane?
There's a lot more to this explanation than I can share in one article. However, let's tie it back to past lives.

Let's say you manage to get to the next lane over. A small incremental shift, yet a step in the right direction. You grab a flotation noodle and take a break, You look back at the shallow end, and you see that now that you're in a different lane, the shallow end looks different. You have a slightly altered past in this lane that has led you to the present moment with this somewhat different future. I mean, you really didn't think you could be a new version of yourself while maintaining all the same experiences that created the former you, right? Things had to be different in order to get you to a different result.

So now you have to let go of that old lane and all the moments and experiences that supported it. Embrace the new lane, explore the new version of your past in this life and in past lives further back. You see? Notice the variations and choose them as real.
This is major component of how you manifest, how you have extraordinary healing experiences, and how you attain grander goals.

And now, one last step to make this transition to your desired goals even more effective. We'll just touch on this step today. Instead of switching lanes in the present moment as discussed, you can do it in the past.

Mind-blowing, I know. While you're in your original lane, you can float on that noodle once again. Take a rest and look back to other lifetimes you've experienced along the way.

With proper guidance, you can explore one or more lifetimes and actually cross to the next lane within that regression. Yes. Cross to the more desirable lane while you are exploring a past life regression. That can happen. Now the new lane collapses into reality earlier along the timeline and sets in motion the events that lead to your new desired destination that you experience today.


Jacques Vallee talks Time on the Edge of Reality Podcast w/Lee Speigel
