I thought that might get your attention. But seriously, Time Loops are everywhere these days, and it is not a recent phenomenon, as this Dolores Cannon quotation (yes, another DC connection) will show. So how does the next “Bill and Ted Face the Music” film relate to Nostradamus and dear Dolores?

Having only watched the trailer (since the movie isn’t out yet) it appears that the beloved Bill and Ted characters have discovered that a song that they wrote saved the universe. Simple? No so, since they haven’t written it yet. Being the slackers that they are, they use their time machine to visit their future selves who have ALREADY written the song. Hilarity ensues, I’m sure. And what does this have to do with Dolores and Nostradamus?

Dearest Dolores was working with one of her favorite clients, Brenda, when, in the somnambulant state that she preferred to work, the past life personality became secretive about their activities. Dolores was unable to get them past this but continued the process. The past life personality was in fact sworn to secrecy as he was a student of Michel de Nostredame, who we know today as his nom de plume, Nostradamus. The church at the time considered anything to do with premonition to be the work of the devil and punishment was brutal and possibly fatal, hence the secrecy. Cannon, working in the 1980’s, had connected to Michel de Nostredame in the 2nd decade of the 1500’s as he was in the process of writing some of his 942 quatrains predicting future events, but disguising them in poetry and parable to keep his head connected to his shoulders. When Brenda was forced to leave the project, Nostradamus himself connected to Dolores to say that he would continue to work with her through whoever she hypnotized, which was mind-blowing to Dolores as she considered Nostradamus “the greatest psychic that ever lived.”

By some unknown power, he (Nostradamus) was able to sense that I was in communication with his student, and he was also aware that I was living in a future time…His last words to me were that he would come through anyone else that I chose to work with, he was that determined.

Only after adjusting to this new working situation did it get next level weird. In Cannon’s own words:

It was a persistent nagging in the back of my mind that I was a pawn, but for what?

…One day I made the offhand remark to Brenda, "Wouldn't it be funny if we were helping him write these?" These words were hardly out of my mouth when I felt cold chills run through my body.

Dolores was struck by how Michel seemed to be unfamiliar with some of the quatrains, and how he asked for parts of them to be read over and over.

I then got the full impact of his explanation of how he received his quatrains. He had said that while in trance he would write, but it was as though the forces from beyond the mirror would be guiding his hand. When he returned to consciousness, he would be aware of what he had seen but was often surprised at what he had written. While in trance he would see several things, one scene right after another. Then he would see that only one quatrain had been written, but the complex meaning applied to all he had seen. He was often amazed at the complexity of the puzzle and confessed that he felt there was some other element, other than his conscious mind, that was better at manipulating the words into these puzzles.

So here’s the Bill and Ted scenario: Cannon, in the 1980’s, is reading the contents of a completed book of (translated) quatrains to one Michel de Nostradame AS HE WAS STILL WRITING THEM! And Cannon felt like he was writing some of these down. (Not all of them; Cannon compiled 3 books of Nostradamus material in which he corrected some material he thought was misinterpreted from his original work.) But we have here a classic Time Loop. Having just had my own reframing of Time with a capital T, I understand her distress, and Cannon was dealing with this over 30 years ago. At the time, she said:

If he was alive at the same time we are alive, that brings up the theory of simultaneous time which is something I do not understand and do not wish to understand. Every time I try to think of this concept of everything occurring at once: past, present and future, I do not feel enlightened, I just get dizzy.

To Cannon’s credit, which adds to my appreciation of her work, she did up-level her understanding of Simultaneous Time and first wrote about this in her 1993 book “Keepers of the Garden.” By the end of her life, in her Convoluted Universe series, she was in her “comfort zone” with this re-alignment of the understanding of Time. From her daughter Julia’s website:

Throughout the evolution of her career, a recurring theme is for Dolores to reach a “comfort zone” in understanding regarding a particular area. Then a new concept may be introduced to her by The Subconscious which often completely challenges her belief system and forces her to expand her way of thinking. An example of such an occurrence was when the Subconscious put forth the idea that time does not really exist as man identifies it. Every moment is NOW. The Past, Present and Future only exist in the NOW. We have been trained to view time as a linear progression of events based on the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Using this rationale, we would have a completely different concept of time if we lived on another planet. What “time” would we use if we were travelling through space without orbiting the Sun. Time is simply the perspective we adopt. 

I am fascinated by the attention that Time Loops and manipulating time are getting in popular culture, but that may be due to my recent “up-leveling” when my amazing clients introduced these concepts to me. Now the work is to explore past, present and future timelines as an avenue for consciousness expansion and healing. Stay tuned.

PS - With appreciation for Bill and Ted for paving the way once again, here’s the link to their new film; click on the coin slot for the trailer:


Michael Talbot on Time in a Holographic Universe and "Adjacent" Lives


TV and Movies Take on Time Loops- Palm Springs, Timeless, and Tenet, Etc.