Digging deeper into the amazing work of Michael Talbot from THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE (hardcover publication in 1991):

The idea that we can psychokinetically alter events that have already occurred is an unsettling notion, for we are so deeply programmed to believe the past is frozen as if it were a butterfly and glass, it is difficult for us to imagine the other wise. But in a holographic universe, the universe in which time is an illusion and reality is no more than a mind–created image, it is a possibility to which we may have to become accustomed

Remember that in a holographic universe, location is itself an illusion. Just as an image of an apple has no specific location on a piece of holographic film, in a universe that is organized holographically things and objects also possess no definite location; everything is ultimately non-local, including consciousness.

Addressing this non-locality, Talbot references the experiences of “a talented out-of-body subject named Keith Harary:

When he (Keith Harary) makes an OB (out of body) visit to the future he has sometimes even seen a silhouette of his future self in the scene, and that this is not all. When the events he has witnessed eventually come to pass, he can also sense his Time-traveling OB self in the actual scene with him. He describes this eerie sensation as “meeting myself ‘behind’ myself as if I were two beings,” an experience that surely must put normal déjà vu’s to shame.

And my favorite “proof” of non-locality:

Dr. Robert Morris, the director of research at the Psychical Research Foundation in Durham, NC, has even used animals to detect out-of-body visitations. In one experiment, a kitten belonging to …Harary consistently stopped meowing and started purring whenever Harary was invisibly present.

Right here in North Carolina, how about that? Even more impressive is that the Psychical Research Foundation is still in operation:

Talbot also published 3 novels in his lifetime; one, A Delicate Dependency, is a highly regarded vampire tale originally published in 1982. I reviewed his “YOUR PAST LIVES- A Reincarnation Handbook (1987) ” on October 24, 2018.

Michael Talbot’s contribution to the field of consciousness research in all of its varied forms is profound, and all of his work is worth your time and attention.




Michael Talbot on Time in a Holographic Universe and "Adjacent" Lives