The late Mac Tonnies was one of the great thinkers and writers on UFO and paranormal subjects, and his book “THE CRYPTOTERRESTRIALS” is a must read for anyone desiring to go beyond the standard model for “Aliens” presented by the popular media. I am grateful to prolific author and blogger Nick Redfern for calling attention to some of Tonnies’ ideas on Time and the Grandfather Paradox* cited by physicists such as Stephen Hawking. Thanks to the crew at the Mysterious Universe blog for posting this:
Mac Tonnies, the late author of the book ‘After the Martian Apocalypse’, which is a study of the controversial “Face on Mars” mystery, believed he had the answer to the potential problems cited by Hawking: “Stephen Hawking condemned time travel because, in his opinion, it should enable a constant stream of visitors from our own future. He assumes, perhaps unwisely, that we’d be aware of these visitors, when in truth it’s remarkably easy to think of reasons our ancestors might choose not to visit at all.” Tonnies continued: “Other physicists are at work refuting the paradox of going back in time and killing your parents before you are born. If they’re right, a time traveler from the future could interact with others, including his or her past self, so long as no action was taken that would endanger the traveler’s own continued existence. It’s difficult to visualize how this might work, although the idea makes logical sense. Maybe the best analogy would be a physical system that relies on a principle of least action, such as a ball rolling inexorably downhill.”
He further noted: “The fascinating upshot of this is that there’s a chance we’re indeed being visited by advanced beings from our own future, but their interactions with us would be necessarily limited lest they doom themselves to nonexistence.” Tonnies also wonders if the many UFO sightings that have been reported for decades may not be due to the actions of aliens from the other side of the galaxy, but the result of time-traveling humans masquerading as ET to keep secret their real point of origin. “If time travel is possible,” said Tonnies, “the behavior of UFOs may be at least partially explained: formal contact with us would result in a causality violation of some sort, so they must remain content with maintaining their presence behind a curtain of subterfuge.
I’m glad to read that Tonnies also considered that time-traveling humans could be behind the sightings of UFO’s in the sky and “aliens” walking the Earth, a belief I share and am exploring in my research.
*The Grandfather Paradox is often cited by physicists as proof that Time Travel cannot exist: “a potential logical problem that would arise if a person were to travel to a past time. The name comes from the idea that if a person travels to a time before their grandfather had children, and kills him, it would make their own birth impossible.”