A Cosmic Perspective from EFT founder Gary Craig

Gary Craig is known for innovating the tapping technique known as EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique. With his own spontaneous experience of One-ness, plus his study of A Course in Miracles, he has recently moved beyond tapping on the body’s meridian points to utilizing the healing abilities of “The Unseen Therapist”, a non-denominational spiritual guide. This has brought him into interesting areas that would have seemed too far out when he introduced EFT in the 1990’s. From his recent newsletters:

Since the world generally believes that we ARE our bodies, it is naturally assumed that God, therefore, created our bodies. Just because it is generally accepted, however, does not mean that it is true. Thinking outside that "generally accepted" belief can bring us new insights. If you think through the Oneness concept thoroughly, the conclusion would be different from the idea above. Rather, it would be that we were created by God in the Oneness (non-body) state. From that state, WE (not God) created our bodies as evidence of a desire/belief to be separate. 

That's a stunning statement. Sit with it a while and let its implications sink in. 

The body-state thus becomes loaded with problems that we, with our unlimited power, have believed into existence. That's why this body-state and the world are often referred to as a dream or an illusion by our scientists. This aligns perfectly with quantum physics (all atoms are connected - separation is impossible) and the multitudes of reported Near Death Experiences. 

…The Unseen Therapist doesn’t define healing as we do. Her vision is more powerful because She aims at the ultimate cause of all ailments… the belief in separation. We tend to think of healing in terms of the body… TRUE HEALING IS OF THE MIND, NOT PHYSICAL.

I am experimenting with what Craig is calling Optimal EFT in my own work, I’ll keep you posted.