Ancient Artifacts Support Past Lives Session Information

Some interesting ancient artifacts have been uncovered by the unfortunate melting of glacier ice in the Swiss Alps. Evidence of a culture that existed as long as 9500 years ago has altered and expanded awareness of these cultures. Historians doubted that people of that era would have no reason to climb to higher altitudes; now it has been proven that they did. There they apparently found:

a crystal vein filled with the precious rocks needed to sculpt their tools.

Ancient rock and gem hounds, and it’s not wooey!

Of interest to a past life practitioner like myself was another aspect of this discovery. Items that would have long ago been lost to the elements were recently unearthed, giving us a glimpse into this previous society’s shoes and clothing. Since I use footwear (or the lack of them) as an entry point to connect us to these past life personalities, using William Swygard’s guidance to look down at your feet and see what your past life personality is wearing, specific data on costumes from ancient cultures can be helpful in the running process.  (See my previous blog post about costumes here,*) If it takes hard scientific data to move past that doubting part of the brain that has difficulty trusting the first image that arises in response to a question, this information can be of help. Plus, the awareness that leather pants and, by some reports, laced shoes were already in use 9500 years ago can give newcomers some confidence in following that first image that might have seemed out of place, easing the path into increased awareness of this past life personality.

(*See my blog post on Costumes from 2018: