I love it when scientists discover information about our deep past that aligns with what myself and my clients discover in Past Life Journeys. When exploring a more primitive timeline, animal skins and hides are the most common response when asking about what the past life personality is wearing.
The study, published by researchers from the University of Tübingen, and the Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment (SHEP) in Tübingen, examined traces of bones from a cave bear, found in the Schöningen archaeological site in Lower Saxony, Germany.
These researchers found evidence of skinning or striping of hides in places that do not have much meat.
“The find opens up a new perspective”, says Tübingen Professor Nicholas Conard, head of the Schöningen research project. “Animals were not only used for food, but their pelts were also essential for survival in the cold. The use of bear skins is likely a key adaptation of early humans to the climate in the north.”
I’m not overly concerned with finding documentation or scientific proof of costumes or practices in ancient societies. But it smoothes the way for “trusting the first image” when scientists make discoveries that back up information received in multiple Past life sessions.