How could I resist a dollar paperback with the title, THE FELLOWSHIP - SPIRITUAL CONTACT BETWEEN HUMANS AND OUTER SPACE BEINGS? Author Brad Steiger has over 100 books on paranormal topics in his resume, so I would be intrigued by whatever I found from his body of work.
But this book sat on my shelf for years and then magically made its way to my coffee table, where I picked it up and found this quote in the chapter titled : “Cosmic Soul Mates and Past Life Memories of Other Worlds.” Now I know why I picked up this paperback and held on to it.
Steiger has a multi-planetary, cosmically attuned perspective on Past Lives:
If one accepts the eternality of the soul and its evolutionary progression, why must such a return to the source of all that is be limited to physical expression lived only on the planet earth?
If one accepts one God/intelligence for the universe, why should each soul not experience that divine handiwork, wherever it manifests itself?
If one accepts a progression of lifetimes as opportunities for growth and for learning, why should we be confined only to the ‘classroom’ of planet earth?
Brad Steiger, The Fellowship (Ballantine Books, 1988) 134-135.
Food for thought. What if our souls are not confined to the classroom of planet Earth? Those Other Lives—Past or Future—can be accessed in the same way we explore any Past Life Journey. All that’s required is an intention and a greater willingness to "trust the first image" if it shows us something unexpected. This is the one of the areas I've been researching in my personal sessions during the period when public gatherings weren't happening. Stay tuned for more of the next step forward in "running" Past lives.