I have been expanding the healing potential of Past Lives Journeying with the addition of clearing techniques such as Ho’Oponopono and something that I’ve known about since the 1970’s called The Release Technique. I first encountered this in a book and have been using it on my self with great success. It was one of the first methods that I felt “moved a lot of energy” around an issue. I don’t know the source of it, and the interweb is not very helpful in clearing this up; maybe telling people about my version of it will stir some memories. As I learned it, the wording was a bit clumsy but effective:
I release you. I loose you and let you go.
I have no reason to hurt you, and you have no reason to hurt me.
That incident that was between us is over.
You are free and I am free and all is well again between us.
The use of the phrase “loose you” always felt a bit odd, and maybe a bit Victorian, implying or making it made to look as if it is more ancient than it might actually be. When working on a post that will appear in the Temporal Component blog, I was once again researching Dolores Cannon and after spending some time listening to her interviews and reading her work, I am becoming much more of a fan. She followed her work into some incredibly strange and interesting places from the mid-1980’s forward to her death in 2014. In this 2010 interview with Regina Meredith available on Gaia TV, (interestingly, the only interview w/Cannon herself on Gaia) I heard her describing the importance of clearing all of our old Karma. In fact, she stated that
You can’t go on to the new earth until you remove your old karma…
Plus this needs to be a gradual process:
You can’t change your frequencies instantly, it will destroy the body, it has to be done gradually.
Cannon refers to this as “tearing up the contract” in this Gaia TV interview. Here is the wording she uses:
We tried. We really tried. It didn’t work. Let’s tear up the contract.
I forgive you, I release you , I let you go.
You go your way with love, I’ll go mine, we don’t have to be connected anymore at all.
This hits the same notes, and she may have encountered the same source material as I did way back in the day. I recommend adding this to your toolkit; try it and let me know how it works for you.