Sometimes it feels like I'm following a path laid out for me and a trail of breadcrumbs is showing me the way forward. I made a list of books to read to research various practitioners doing past life work. The Kindle list on Amazon was getting too large and too expensive, 10 books at @$10-$15 each, so I looked into Kindle Unlimited but it requires a 6 month membership for $59. The next day I opened my Amazon browser and received an offer for Kindle Unlimited, 3 months for $1.99. After reading the Amy Shapiro book on Isabel Hickey, "Never Mind", which mentions her meeting with Swygard, the next book I was lead to was "Exploring Reincarnation" by Hans TenDam. There I found the perfect quote about Morris Netherton's work for a blog post about past lives therapists who don't use the standard hypnotic induction. I was researching Netherton and Roger Woolger, whose work inspired the "circling the globe" induction I use in the MeetUp group. I did a Google search for Netherton's website and found a link to a YouTube video, "Why Regression Therapy", featuring, wait for it..... Morris Netherton, Roger Woolger, and Hans TenDam. That's like winning a game of Past Lives Project bingo on the first card. Follow the yellowed book road....