—Ann Patchett, in her novel Tom Lake:

There is no explaining this simple truth about life: you will forget much of it. The painful things you were certain you’d never be able to let go? Now you’re not entirely sure when they happened, while the thrilling parts, the heart-stopping joys, splintered and scattered and became something else.


― John C. Lilly, The Deep Self: Consciousness Exploration in the Isolation Tank:

In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experientially and experimentally. When the limits are determined, it is found that they are further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind, there are no limits. The body imposes definite limits.


As the writer and philosopher Alan Watts noted, when we speak of our birth, we often say that we came into the universe when plainly we came out of it, an aggregation of atoms that happen to be rearranged, happily and temporarily, into a human being.

—Brian Klass in his 2024 book Fluke: Chance, Chaos, and Why Everything We Do Matters


Summarized from an interview on Coast to Coast AM with Dr. Bruce Goldberg:

…as we evolve in our life, we receive different spirit guides, who are specialists in various areas. Among the different types of guides, he included the Doctor guides, who deal with mental and emotional healing, the Gatekeepers, who assist you in spiritual protection from negative entities and evil forces, and the Method guides, who help in developing our psychic intuition and receiving messages from the other side.


Many people who have NDEs make a point of saying that words can never capture their experience—that it is, in essence, ineffable, something that eludes our ordinary language. Here we have to remember that our ordinary language is body-based. While in your body, you are limited in time and space and feel yourself to be separate from the world outside yourself. But when you are out of your body, you see that this is an illusion. When you are out of your body, you are boundless; you no longer live in time, but in eternity, which is not everlasting time, but timelessness itself. In your body-based consciousness, you can only speculate about the afterlife. When you are out of your body, you just know.

- What You Can Expect to Experience When You Die: Revelations from Some Extraordinary NDErs

Excerpt from a blog post by Kenneth Ring, PhD, posted in the IANDS 2024 VITAL SIGNS newsletter
