Egyptian Princess Akhenaten
Only a week after running a very exciting but strange life in Egypt I discovered this 12 inch statue in my favorite resale shop, Scallywags in Weaverville, NC. That it reflected the images I “saw” in my session made it seem like a present and a synchronicity, telling me I’m on the right path, especially since it’s not the kind of tchotchke you expect to find in a resale store. Apart from its beauty, the reason it resonated with me so strongly is that my modality is verbal, not visual. In guiding my own sessions, when I ask myself “What, if anything, is covering my feet?” I hear a verbal prompt that leads to an image. (Lately, that prompt has been telling me “Sandals” in some form.) This session was challenging because I was presented with an awareness that I was laying on the ground, on my side. When I asked why I was lying on my side, I was given this image of a young boy of about 10 with an elongated skull, looking up at grownups, some of whom also had elongated skulls while others didn’t. I'd like to think I was given this image so that I would ask why I was laying on my side, and reveal my elongated skull. In this Question and Answer process, sometimes the questions are as inspired as the images.
This was a lesson in “trusting the first image” that I stress to my clients, and reminded me how difficult that can be when that image is far outside the norm. What’s fascinating is how far outside the norm my recent sessions have stretched.
If these images of Akhenaten, daughter of Nefertiti, trigger anyone’s “adjacent” life emotions, contact me and tell me about it at