British podcaster Howard Hughes is always a great interviewer on his “The Unexplained” podcast. In May 2022, he spoke to Dr. Scott Taylor about a topic based on his own life: the Shared Death Experience. Dr. Taylor had a life-changing encounter at the bedside of a dying loved one, where he “watched” (with closed eyes) as the spirit of his late girlfriend’s son lifted out of the body by his mother. Dr. Taylor was then allowed to interact with the reunited mother and son.

Howard was asking him about life on the Other Side of death:

The main purpose in coming into physical existence is to experience contrast….In the non-physical world, there isn’t such a thing. Everything is connected to everything else. And so you have instant access to the knowledge of the universe. And it’s this strange place where you have this individual consciousness…You know, “I am Scott Taylor.” And at the same time, I am also a part of the collective that is the human race…The non-physical universe is run by the words “Both/And” as opposed to “Either/Or.” In physical matter/duality, we're here and I’m me, and Howard is Howard, and we’re different, and we’re separate. But in the non-physical reality, the reality of the unity universe, I am me…you are you, but we are also together. We are also part of the same collective that is the human consciousness. So Both/And runs that, and down here, it’s Either/Or where we recognize our separateness.

Dr. Taylor is the former president and executive director of the Monroe Institute who wrote his doctoral thesis on “Near-Death Experiences: Discovering and living in unity.” In November 2022, he’’ll be conducting a 5 1/2 -day Near-Death Experience Intensive. This online retreat utilizes Hemi-Sync, the Monroe Institutes binaural beat sound technology to “takes you to the powerful and sacred spaces visited by NDE and SDErs.” (Referring to Near Death Experience and Shared Death Experience):

During this first-of-its-kind NDE immersion, you’ll gently explore the non-physical universe by visiting the realms encountered by NDErs.