The Asheville Past Lives Project

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Scientists are now recognizing that brains synchronize when people interact, something we enlightened folk already knew. Now they have the data which upends the current materialist theory of consciousness.

“An upshot of this proposal is that it can potentially validate our most intimate experiences: When we become aware that ‘we’ are sharing a moment with someone else, it is no longer necessarily the case that we are fundamentally separated by our distinct heads — we could really be two individuals sharing in one and the same unfolding experience,” says Tom Froese, a cognitive scientist from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan.

Makes me wonder about what scientists are calling “inter-brain synchronization” when I’m conducting a Past Life session with someone. During a session, my brain is synchronized with my client’s brain, while they are connected to and accessing memories and emotions from an “adjacent” life, and we’re all “sharing in one and the same unfolding experience.”

If anyone has access to an EEG machine, let me know.