I've been following the research being done by the SoulPhone Foundation in their attempt to create a software solution, and eventually a keyboard, to communicate with PMPs, their name for Post Material Persons, aka the dead. Their first step is to create a SoulSwitch device:

The simple switch on the website is an earthly example of what we are seeking from postmaterial persons (PMPs): a reliable, rapid, and highly accurate binary Yes / No response. 

Their November 2023 email provided a link to a “Summit on synchronicity and the nature of consciousness.  This summit was also sponsored by The Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences (

Because all roads lead to an extraterrestrial angle, a question was asked about the role of extraterrestrials in their work. Their response was illuminating:

Given the vastness of the cosmos, most team members consider it quite likely that other highly developed life forms exist.  However, we stay clear of any involvement with this field.  Why? What we are doing is already considered too controversial – at least by academic and mainstream science standards.  


To date, we've not been aware of or alerted to involvement by extraterrestrials.  That is, none of the mediums have reported input by them nor have any of our experiment results suggested that.  Research to date has been limited to postmaterial luminaries and a few angels.   

So extraterrestrials are too controversial, yet angels and postmaterial luminaries are OK.

The SoulPhone Foundation claims to be working with PMP luminaries—”great inventors, scientists, spiritual teachers, educators, entertainers, and more – who want to help us heal and balance ourselves and our world”—who are assisting them with their research. No snark is intended, but discernment is becoming even more important. Marl Pitstick and his crew are absolutely devoted to this task and I consider their efforts fascinating stuff and worth following.