New "I Don't Know What to Make of This" file:

Somethings that come to me can only be approached as “I don’t know what to make of this, but it intrigues me.” A lot of Linda Moulton Howe’s material might fit into this category, but this one quote for “ETs Among Us 3” (great title) caught my attention and resonates with my own thoughts on this subject. Howe is describing a man who claims to have lived with an EBEN (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity) after discovering the being at a crash site as part of a government recovery team. If I haven’t lost you already, here is what she related:

‘We made you. We put you here, but you have to live it.’ And this man looked at me and said, ‘… what I’ve come to understand from this being that I’ve lived with and loved, the machinery of this universe is reincarnation, the recycling of souls. We treat the soul and recycling like mythology. These beings seem to be communicating that the most important part of our life as human beings was the soul and what happened at the moment of death.’

Interesting in the context of everything I know and have learned about processing this information from past lives. And more for this file, the intersection of what used to be science fiction and spirituality To be digested….


Hellier, Hypnosis and Folie a Deux


William S Burroughs on creating new worlds, UFO's, the arts, time and space