Bashar on Gaia TV talks about Capital T-time

(This post is also on my Past Lives Project blog because it walks the fine line between past lives and Capital T-time, which most of my work is doing these days.)

I knew I had to check out Bashar’s talk from the LA Conscious Life Expo 2019 when 2 different people, on the SAME DAY, recommended it. Message received! Titled “THE PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE ARE WITHIN YOU” this talk presents Bashar’s concept of Capital T-Time with a unique slant. In the Q&A portion at the end he was addressing why, as he puts it, “50 people claim to be Cleopatra.” I thought he was dismissing past life exploration but he was addressing the way people can connect to someone else’s energy and mistake it for their own past life. He wrapped his talk up with this explanation of the bigger picture behind accessing our past lives:

If those lives were truly in the past, you would never be able to connect to them. The only reason you can connect is because everything exists now. …If things were truly in the past, if the past was really past, there would be no way you could reach them; there would be no way you could have a memory, because memory is also created in the present. You would never be able to connect to them, you would never know about them. The only way you can know about such lives and such experiences is if everything exists right now.

Another “confirmation” or rather, another opinion from a non-physical source that what we know of time doesn’t really exist. Bashar ‘s contribution is to consider that everything exists right now. Which is right in agreement with the information that is coming to me through my client’s and my own personal sessions, coming down to these 3 interlocking concepts:

-There is no Time as we know it, OR, Time as we think we know it does not exist;

-All of our Timelines, or Lifelines, are connected/ Its all US in all these lifelines;

-All of our timelines are happening at the same time.

Combining that with Bashar’s input, we have:

-Time as we think we know it does not exist BECAUSE EVERYTHING EXISTS RIGHT NOW;

-All of our Timelines are connected BECAUSE EVERYTHING EXISTS RIGHT NOW;

-All of our Timelines are happening at the same time BECAUSE EVERYTHING EXISTS RIGHT NOW.

As Bashar tells the audience at this 2019 Expo, you have to begin to think multi-dimensionally. That’s an interesting concept, more to come.


TV and Movies Take on Time Loops- Palm Springs, Timeless, and Tenet, Etc.


Other Lives - Past, Present & Future