Other Lives - Past, Present & Future

Other Lives: Any life, whether past, present, or future, when we are inhabiting a body different than the one we presently occupy.

This is the new area of research for me: Timelines, both past and future, and let’s include present in there as well. When I mentioned this work in an email newsletter, Rev. Sandra Gelinas replied that her work in this area led to her use of the phrase “Other Lives.”

My awakening began when I saw Dr. Bruce Goldberg’s presentation at MegaUFOCom in Laughlin in February 2020. I had previously been unimpressed with this area of exploration, a failing on my part I now acknowledge. But I left what turned out to be the 25th presentation I’d attended that week very impressed. I clawed open my previously closed mind and approached John Till, a hypnotherapist from Joshua Tree, CA with whom I’d been trading sessions. He was familiar with this work and had been using some of Anne Jirsch’s techniques with his clients. I experienced this future lives work and was very impressed. I’d already ordered Goldberg’s revision of his 1988 book, updated as “PAST LIVES, FUTURE LIVES REVEALED” but first I read Jirsch’s “CREATE YOUR PERFECT FUTURE”, which I believe was her 3rd book on future lives. My favorite quotation from that book is:

Concentrate on creating a better future instead of recreating the past. You all need to know that you are the link from the past to the future…I was told that we too often allow our past to influence our present and control us; then, instead of making a strong new pathway, we keep retreading the old ones, even though that is the last thing we want. The key is to go back and create better pathways in your past. 

This will have an immediate effect on your present and so open up a better, more positive pathway to your future...All you need to do is take a look at the future to see what outcomes you are not happy with, then go back into the past to fine-tune your decisions. 

Only this week when I started to read Goldberg’s book did I find this reference to The Space-Time Continuum:

Modern day physicists use the term space-time continuum (coined by Albert Einstein) to illustrate the fact that there is no such thing as the past, present, or future as we know it. All of our lives are being lived at the same moment but at different frequencies. Thus, your past lives are occurring right now on a different frequency along with your present and future lives. They are all affecting each other. You are thus able to change the past and future by changing the present.

I found it fascinating that Goldberg wrote about changing the past AND the future. He described this occurring during a future life progression:

I asked the patient to go to the origin of a difficulty and she went forward to the 23rd century! The future life illustrates a karmic lesson or pattern, which is usually manifested in their current life. This often includes the same people, and provides a way to learn from the future to correct the present, thereby affecting the future.

The circle of life reframed! Going forward to see how out present energies are projected into the future, then using that potential outcome and our satisfaction with it to adjust the present, which in turn adjusts our future.

I have been exploring what I call the “Near Future” using Jirsch’s methods with great success, going forward 3, 6 and 12 months from the energies of the present. But Goldberg is an advocate of “The Far Future,” which is going to some distant century. I didn’t grasp this until I realized that his “All of your lives are occurring right now” meant that the root cause of an issue could be in the past, earlier in this present life, OR possibly in a future timeline. That was another in a series of expansions in awareness for me.

Another came in a discussion with John Till about this work, he asked if I’d had any clients describe being in more than one body at a time, in essence, living 2 parallel lives at the same time. I hadn’t but that accounts for my inclusion of Present Lives, the 3rd category of “Other Lives.” I recall but can’t find the reference that William and/or Diane Swygard made in this area; their advice was simply, and I’m paraphrasing: “Don’t get hung up on the math.” In other words, don’t use calendar time to refute any experiences if one life seems to end AFTER another one started. That was probably the earliest reference to what I’m now describing as Capital-T Time, this new larger concept of time that is outside of the linear straitjacket.

Capital T-Time has guided me into an entirely new area with my clients’ sessions, and one I hope to eventually introduce to the group format. But I have moved so far in such a brief time that I am no longer comfortable with limiting this work to Past Lives, which includes this website, my MeetUp, and blog. With this new awareness, I have decided to close down the Past Lives Project MeetUp, my connection to the Asheville area MeetUp community for the past 3 1/2 years. I am excited by my explorations connecting past lives to future timelines, and seeing how they move through the present. I may re-launch the Meet-Up with a new name and focus, but the MeetUp format has become stale, as has the online Zoom meeting format. Maybe something new will emerge from this societal lockdown, besides an entirely new way for me to approach our timelines. I hope this next journey will be intriguing to other “time-travelers” and I look forward to guiding you; we’ll take one step backwards before going two steps forward.


Bashar on Gaia TV talks about Capital T-time