Jacques Vallee talks Time on the Edge of Reality Podcast w/Lee Speigel
Jacques Vallee has been way ahead of many of the “nuts and bolts” Ufologists in pointing to the role that Time plays in this phenomena. And I love the fact that he refers to the UFO phenomena as a “form of consciousness” that doesn’t have to be extraterrestrial, opening the door to a multi-dimensional origin. I have been trying to locate the source for an interview he gave where he proposed that, and I’m paraphrasing until I find the exact quote, the question isn’t WHERE they come from but WHEN.
Edge of Reality podcast 8/1/19
…(I)f the UFO phenomenon could be verified then we would have a much greater basis for trying to locate the origin of whatever form of consciousness is coming here. In addition to that, it may not be extraterrestrial. There could be UFOs coming from time or coming from other dimensions… I still have friends who are working in astrophysics and what they tell me is that the whole concept of space and time needs a big revision; that space and time may just be a secondary effects of something else that is more fundamental. So what we perceive as space and time may not be the fundamental basis of the universe. When you think about that, if space and time are negotiable,…We already know from Einstein that a lot of things about space and time are negotiable, like the perception of speed, and so forth, the perception of delay, but the idea that time might be traversable,…I used to joke with Dr. (Allen) Hynek that maybe there is another universe just 5 minutes ahead of us. If there is another universe five minutes ahead of us, which is by the way a valued speculation in physics today, it's very hard to test it but there might be phenomena that would lead us in that direction as one of the hypotheses. Why couldn't a form of consciousness transcend the difference transcend the difference between us and them?
And if they are working outside of linear time as we perceive it, then they may have already transcended that gap between us, and could be comfortable navigating the differences between us in ways that seems magical to those of us still in linear time.
It’s taken me decades to catch up to Vallee in appreciating this aspect of the phenomena, and the clues that Time and Multi-Dimensionality provide us about consciousness itself.