I have numerous sources for paranormal news, with the Daily Grail as my favorite. But I recently rediscovered Coast to Coast, now online with host George Noory. “Coast” was formerly the late night AM radio home of Art Bell, and I spent many hours listening to his show driving home from gigs in the 90s.

On a recent show, George Noory spoke with "the Holistic Hypnotist" and author, Sarah Breskman Cosme. I was familiar with Cosme as I've seen her listed as presenter at UFO conferences, which lately have been including speakers on Past and Future Lives. (Yay!) Cosme is a Level 3 QHHT practitioner continuing the work of Dolores Cannon, exploring the further edges that Cannon wrote about in her later years.

From coasttocoastam.com:

In the latter half (of the show) author and master hypnotist Sarah Breskman Cosme revealed hidden knowledge she's gleaned from various hypnotic sessions...

Cosme has concluded that the various types of aliens said to be visiting our planet represent future versions of humanity from different timelines, and they are coming back to check on us. The Greys, she detailed, have an avatar-like (non-physical) body, and bred out their emotions because they thought they were a hindrance. On one timeline, Earth was destroyed, and humans moved out into space, and after a millennia, they evolved into what the Greys look like, she explained.

Regarding Atlantis, what she learned from hypnotized clients is that the ancient Atlanteans warred with another civilization, Lemuria, over powerful crystals that were given to the Lemurians by the Star People.

I had read Cosme’s first book, A Hypnotist’s Journey to Atlantis, in which her client went back to Atlantis during a past life regression. Cosme is following in Dolores Cannon’s footsteps as both a practitioner of Cannon’s QHHT but also in devoting an entire book to one client’s timeline. The Atlantis book explored their lifetime in that “mythical” land over multiple sessions. I advocate for this multi-session deep dive when this information comes to the surface. For Cosme’s client, this resulted in a “miraculous” healing as the result of clearing up unfinished business from a Past life.

Cosme has since published two more books, A Hypnotist’s Journey to the Secrets of the Sphinx, and A Hypnotist’s Journey from the Trail to the Star People which I have not read.

This crossover from my two favorite areas of study, Past Lives and the UFO/UAP phenomena, is now happening regularly. Cosme is just one of the practitioners mining these depths. I first became aware of this trend through Linda Backman's work, and her 2018 book, Souls On Earth: Exploring Interplanetary Past Lives. Dr. Larry Dossey's blurb for the book is compelling:

It would be naive to suppose that intelligent life exists only on Earth. Dr. Linda Backman's groundbreaking book offers credible evidence of evolved interplanetary souls incarnate in human bodies. Souls on Earth presents a critical understanding of the gifts and challenges of such advanced beings.

In an interesting sync, I just posted a quote from Brad Steiger about this topic from his 1988 book, The Fellowship: Spiritual Contact Between Humans and Outer Space Beings which explores this same concept:

If one accepts the eternality of the soul and its evolutionary progression, why must such a return to the source of all that is be limited to physical expression lived only on the planet earth?

If one accepts one God/intelligence for the universe, why should each soul not experience that divine handiwork, wherever it manifests itself?

If one accepts a progression of lifetimes as opportunities for growth and for learning, why should we be confined only to the “classroom“ of planet earth?

My personal sessions have taken me outside of the Earth classroom. I am still processing the information from these multiple sessions; stay tuned for more details. Email me at: timelinejourneying@gmail.com if you’ve had any of these experiences you’d like to share.

Update: In an email from the 2023 Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo, this title for Caroline Cory’s presentation jumped out of the list:

Achieve Universal Consciousness:

Your True Non-Human Lineage and Higher Purpose


