Pagan, Druid, and Unitarian Universalist John Beckett writes about reincarnation from his unique perspective on his Patheos.com site. Inspired by a tweet, he asks,

“If you believe in reincarnation, what do you think (or hope) your next life will be like?”

His reply:

I’ve come to the conclusion that the most likely scenario is a time of rest and reflection in the Otherworld, followed by some form of reincarnation in this world. But I’ve given virtually no thought to what my future life might be like.

Since I’m now exploring Future lives in addition to deep dives into the past, I appreciated his Pagan/Druid perspective. Beckett broke it down into sections:

  • I don’t think we get to choose

  • I want to continue what I’ve built in this life

  • I think that means coming back quickly

  • I hope for an easier childhood

  • I hope I don’t get distracted by the times

  • Both of these could be satisfied by an earlier awakening

  • I hope for what I’ve had in this life: a few good friends

  • To be human is to wonder.

The only area I might disagree with Beckett is thinking he needs to get back quickly to continue the work from his present life. My experiences with Simultaneous Time have shown me this is not an issue, since the original of that “life’s work” could possibly be in the linear Future, and it’s completion in the distant past. But his reasoning is admirable:

If I’m going to continue the big work of this life, I think that means I need to come back fairly quickly. There aren’t enough people doing this work now. I’ll be needed sooner rather than later.

Even though I don’t have an inclination to Pagan or Druid philosophies, I agree that we need more people doing this deep inner work now.


Thanks to MM who sent this to me.