I seem to have opened a door with my last post about Remote Viewing. For those who are unfamiliar, Wikipedia describes Remote Viewing as “the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject.” In my last post, Stephen Schwartz mentioned how he hated that term and preferred to describe it as “accessing non-local consciousness.” Since Past Life Journeying could be characterized as accessing non-local consciousness, I am noticing the overlap between these two modalities.
I have previously referred to my shelf elves...those mysterious beings who bring the perfect book to my attention at the perfect time. Now I seem to have that same helpful energy working for me in the podcast realm…Podcast Pixies? I am grateful they guided me to the Astonishing Legends podcast. In the hundreds of episodes on astonishinglegends.com, I clicked on an interview with Lori Lambert Williams because the title “Boundless Remote Viewing” got my attention. Williams is a teacher of Controlled Remote Viewing, one of the many offshoots of the original RV process, with what she claims are thousands of students, both online and in person. I listened (and took notes) as Williams explained how to use CRV to “awaken and harness your ability to access information and solutions.”
The first hint that Williams was syncing with my work was a reference to the power of the intention of the “tasker,”who is the person who is conducting the CRV session. In my last blog Stephen Schwartz, also a Remote Viewer, said:
We know from the experimental research that the intention and beliefs of the questioner influence very strongly the remote viewer.
Lori Williams said something similar:
I believe the intention of the person that we call “the tasker”…plays a huge role in the outcome that the RVer gets, because you can think of us as an old wagon wheel. Think about an old wooden wagon wheel. We consider ourselves as the outside of the wagon wheel, like each spoke is unique…But really at the core, we’re all connected at the hub of the wheel, and that’s where we all become the same….And the hub is the representative of that. And so I feel like, when we’re all connected, that's why that intention comes into play and we are able to come up with the answer.
She describes some aspects of her CRV process that can be applied to Past Life Journeying, which is when I started taking notes. (The Astonishing Legends crew provides transcripts for all their podcasts, for which I am grateful.) As my first rule in Past Life Journeying is borrowed from my experiences with Gail Gulick’s Shamanic Journeys: Trust the first image. In CRV, Lori Williams advises:
…our mantra that we repeat all the time is describe, don't identify. The nouns you're going to come up with are suspect because nouns name things, and they come from the left brain.
In PLJ, we start with “look down at your feet and tell me what, if anything is covering your feet.” In conventional past life journeys, we will have a visual sense, or get a verbal prompt, describing either bare feet or some material covering those feet, whether cloth, animal skin, rubber, etc. When we expand into the uncharted territory of Future Lives, whatever is covering our feet may not necessarily be similar to what we wore in the past or present, and we need to open ourselves to unique footwear and clothing. Using CRV’s “describe, don’t identify” can be helpful in this regard.
Williams describes “milestones” in the progress of people in her programs, taken from her experience with hundreds of students:
There are certain milestones that every remote viewer experiences, and some of those are pleasant, some of those are not so pleasant. Like slumps, for example.
Slumps are true in anything you try to learn, whether you're trying to learn the violin, or the piano, or martial art, or yoga, or whatever. You go through periods where you kind of have a step backwards, you go two steps forward, one step backwards. It's the same thing in remote viewing. Students will go through a period called a slump. And we've discovered that what happens when the slump occurs is that something's getting worked out on a subconscious level, and you might not even be aware...It could be something way deep in your psyche that's gotten worked out, that you now have a resolution for. And so, slumps are really important.
Williams noticed that students who accepted slumps as part of their process and worked through their disappointment went on to excel in CRV. I never thought to address slumps in the deeper applications of PLJ, although I have experienced them myself. It took me months of effort to run a past life by myself (and I offer a template for conducting solo sessions in my Past Life Journeying book). I never thought of my “slump” as a time when stuff was being worked out on the subconscious level, although the progress I made afterwards would point to stuff being processed deep in my psyche.
There is a 2nd interview with Williams in my podcast queue, and the transcript for that episode opens with this quote from Remote Viewer Joseph McMoneagle:
Being able to alter your belief in what is real is critical in learning to RV (Remote View.)
Being open to altering your belief in “what is real” aka consensus reality, is critical to progress in advanced Past Life and TimeLine Journeying.
Boundless Remote Viewing transcript: