In June I attended Contact In the Desert, which USA Today once called “the Woodstock of UFO conferences.” But it was only when describing my trip that I realized I’d only attended one lecture that was UFO related*. Maybe because the theme was “SCIENCE + FUTURE” and the headliner was Graham Hancock, known more for his Netflix series, Ancient Apocalypse. Timing was not on their side, since on the Monday morning after the conference, the news story broke through the Debrief of David Grush’s revelation of captured UFO craft and bodies going back to the 1930s. But the conference seemed focused on the recent revelations of AI technologies, and a surprising number of talks about DMT. (We were in the California desert, so maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised?)

I attended a workshop by Dr. Jeffrey Long, founder of the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation ( which they describe as, "The perfect mix of science, community, spirituality and service!" 

With this title, how could I resist?

NDERF describes an NDE as:
"A lucid experience associated with perceived consciousness apart from the body occurring at the time of actual or threatened imminent death."

I had not heard of this phenomena until a few weeks ago  but am now up-to-speed thanks to Dr. Long's presentation, which featured a live phone call with a woman who had this experience during one of her 3 (!) near death experiences. (It's amazing how many people report experiencing this multiple times.) 

I also caught half of Sarah Cosme’s presentation, which featured audio excerpts from the session featured in her latest book, A HYPNOTIST’S JOURNEY FROM THE TRAIL TO THE STAR PEOPLE. I consider this progress when two of the most revealing and insightful presentations at a UFO conference concerned Past Lives and Life Between Lives.

The other non-UFO related lecture was by Dr. Paul H. Smith, ESP AND ALIENS: IS THERE A LINK? Paul Smith is one of the pioneers of Remote Viewing, which I have been investigating for its proximity to my Past & Future lives research. Dr. Smith’s mention of Ingo Swan’s experiences in Remote Viewing gave me the opportunity to ask him a question about Ingo’s work. ((I’d need to do a whole post about Remote Viewing to explain that, and that’s now on my to-do list.)

*That was a workshop by Daniel Sheehan, THE CONTENT OF THE POST-CONTACT “NEW PARADIGM HUMAN WORLDVIEW” and it was as intense as its title. I gave up trying to keep up with the flow of amazing information and bought the CD to study when I arrived back home. The gist was a deep dive into a subject I’ve been researching since I saw Sheehan speak a few years ago, Species-ism: The idea that humanity will have to adjust to any “disclosure” of the UFO/UAP phenomena because the advanced technology behind the phenomena points to a civilization much more advanced than ours, while we’re still attempting to travel to the stars using combustion technology (calling you out, Elon!)