I've been following the work done by the SoulPhone Project but not because of their fascination with creating a device to communicate with the deceased, which they lovingly refer to as "post-material persons (PMPs) — those who have transitioned from earth." It's their willingness to explore topics like the area of "post material physics" they mention in their newsletter:

Good but slow progress continues on the SoulPhone Project.  The R & D team agrees that part of the challenge is the unprecedented level of sensitivity for sensors that detect the signal / presence of postmaterial persons.  Another challenge is that 'postmaterial physics' -- perhaps the first written use of this term that may someday be a branch of existing physics -- may differ from that of humans. 

From my past lives perspective, it’s a given that physics operates differently after the death of the physical body. I recognize that Gary Schwartz, PhD may be operating from the need to raise money to fund the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health (LACH) at the University of Arizona where the SoulPhone Foundation operates. Holding to the guidelines from the physical sciences may assist fundraising, but I fear it will hold them back in exploring what I call the NPE - the Non-Physical Experience between lives. I recognize they are attempting to create a physical interface, eventually a keyboard, to communicate with the dead, en route to what their name describes, a SoulPhone app “to be used with any smart personal device.”

The physical sciences require physical proof, so their first step seems to be the SoulSwitch, apparently a device to measure a Yes/No response from a PMP. But reading their update alerted me to another area that fascinates me: establishing communication with collaborators from the postmaterial realm-

Hypothesized postmaterial collaborators (HPCs) include ‘deceased’ people who were stellar scientists, inventors, entertainers, and teachers while living on earth.  They want to help those of us who are experiencing life from an earthly perspective.

I’ve been intrigued with the possibility of collaborators from the postmaterial realm, or non-physical sources of wisdom, since my personal experience with this phenomena in 2020 but I haven’t written about this yet. This was a part of my Past Life Journeying book until the latter stages of editing, when I decided to focus on the instructions and tips on accessing Past Lives. In summary, after a session my client surprised me by saying, “oh this is for you.” What followed was a 5-minute “download” of information informing me that:

  • Time doesn't operate the way we assume it does.

  • All our lives are happening at the same time

  • All our lives—Past, Present & Future—are interacting at all times, so that

  • Healing one life sends healing to all our lives.

This was the breakthrough for me that led to the discovery of my Future life “George” and reframed how Time functions. This led to my next step, TimeLine Journeying, seeing all our lives as one stream that switches from the Physical to the Non-Physical and back.

Knowing that the SoulPhone Foundation’s work was based in part on postmaterial collaborators made me realize they are much less attached to the paradigms of physical science than their newsletters would suggest. But the webpage on these Hypothesized Postmaterial Collaborators (HPCs) took an unexpected detour. Dr. Schwartz’s wife, Rhonda Eklund Schwartz, is an “evidentiary research medium,” which I’d never encountered. According to author Joy Sackett Wood:

Evidential mediumship is when a spiritual medium provides clear facts related to a person’s loved one and proves their continued existence in spirit, either through an individual reading or a group demonstration.

Schwartz claims to be working with a postmaterial “A-team (of) scientists, inventors, business persons, lay people and entertainers — some whose names you would recognize.” The information they receive is then validated by “evidence” provided by Rhonda Schwartz and ten other evidential mediums through readings, research, and “signs and synchronicities.” This is much deeper into the Woo than I was expecting or am comfortable endorsing.

It’s worth noting this research is being conducted at the University of Arizona in Tucson, though the SoulPhone Foundation seeks funding through their newsletter to support research and publication. I’ll be paying attention to the SoulPhone Foundation’s research as I continue my own explorations of Non-Physical sources of wisdom.


