Mark Pitstick & the Soul Phone interview on the Skeptiko podcast: Updated
UPDATE 10/23/20:
I’m not sure what to think about this one, but it’s worth noting:
Our working assumption -- based on some clinical evidence -- is that there are imbalanced postmaterial persons in the next phase of life just as there are nefarious ones on earth. We will proactively address the potential abuse of SoulPhone devices by 'evil spirits'.
So in attempt to land on the list of “MOST 2020 NEWS STORIES EVER” the SoulPhone Foundation just informed us that even after “passing through the veil” that is, dying, we STILL have to navigate NEFARIOUS IMBALANCED POSTMATERIAL PERSONS. So much for sitting on a cloud listening to angelic harp music.
Update 10/20/20 to my previous blog post*:
I heard Mark Pitstick refer to his work as “capturing the signal of spirit” in this interview which renewed my interest in this subject. For the record, I am not endorsing or recommending anything here but since this new work with the Soul Phone is gaining traction in the media, I will be paying attention to those who are working with “post-material persons.” (For the record, if you’re reading this, you are a Material Person.)
Some of the SoulPhone Project’s work, like assembling an “A Team” of non-material persons, is hard to swallow, especially since the A Team stretches from Nikola Tesla and Carl Sagan to Michael Jackson (?!) and Harry Houdini. In this interview, Pitstick defends the A Team:
… about 10 of the evidential mediums… that Gary (Schwartz) researched in the late 1990’s became colleagues, and … they started independently saying, ‘Gary, Albert Einstein keeps coming to me and he keeps telling me that you need to create technology to allow wide-spread communication between dimensions.’ That’s how he got started on that.
I started this post so I could post the link to the Skeptiko interview, but on listening to it, it’s… difficult in a way that many (most?) Skeptiko interviews are. The interviewer, Alex Tsakiris, can be brutally argumentative; so much that I wonder why anyone agrees to talk to him, except that he has a huge audience and it’s great for publicizing a book or project. Alex asks hard questions like about “why God needs your help” in his usual borderline combative mode, but it’s an interesting listen if you’re also intrigued by this research. If you’re up for it, here’s the link to the interview w/Alex Tsakiris on his Skeptiko podcast:
But working on this post, I had an opportunity to think: If I was tasked with assembling an A team of “Post-Material Persons” to work and study with, it would include:
William Swygard, innovator of the Awareness Techniques, which inspired my journey;
Michael Talbot, author of The Holographic Universe;
Paramahansa Yogananda, innovator of Kriya Yoga and my former guru;
To be continued.
Which Post Material People would you want on your A Team? Email me at