A March 16, 20223 article on by Becky Ferreira featured this headline:

A growing number of scientists are convinced the future influences the past.

But what if this forward causality could somehow be reversed in time, allowing actions in the future to influence outcomes in the past? This mind-bending idea, known as retrocausality, may seem like science fiction grist at first glance, but it is starting to gain real traction among physicists and philosophers, among other researchers, as a possible solution to some of the most intractable riddles underlying our reality.

This topic has profound implications for Past Life Journeying and the healing that I believe results from both releasing old traumas and recovering skills and insights from our timeline. This article alerted me to the work of Kenneth Wharton, a professor of physics at San Jose State University, who has published research about retrocausality. Wharton:

“I’ve found our instincts of time and causation are our deepest, strongest instincts that physicists and philosophers—and humans—are loath to give up.”

From the article:

“Even though it may feel verboten to consider a future that affects the past, Wharton and others think it could account for some of the strange phenomena observed in quantum physics, which exists on the tiny scale of atoms…

(R)etrocausal models also open avenues of exploring a “time-symmetric” view of our universe, in which the laws of physics are the same regardless of whether time runs forward or backward. 

…these paradigms envision cause in the past and effect in the future as a forward flow, but retrocausality raises the prospect that these elements could be reversed. It may seem eerie to our brains, which process events sequentially, but the history of science is also littered with examples of human biases leading to bad conclusions, such as the Earth-centric model of the solar system.

It’s important to emphasize at this point in time, whatever that means, that retrocausality is not the same as time travel. These models don’t predict that signals or objects—including human beings—could be dispatched to the past, in part because there is no evidence that we are currently being deluged with any such future messages, or messengers. 

“You have to be very careful in a retrocausal model because the fact of the matter is, we can't send signals back in time,” Adlam explained. (Emily Adlam, a postdoctoral associate at Western University’s Rotman Institute of Philosophy sturdies retrocausality.)

Why is this relevant? Because once you’ve connected to a past life and explored that personality, your present life is the future of that life. The mere fact of accessing a past life is altering the trajectory of that life, since healing energy sent to your past life is affecting us in the present. In fact, if my information is correct, it’s affecting all of our lives…past, present, and future. It gets trippy at the deep end. But this formerly “too far out” discussion is happening regularly in physics labs, as this article shows.

I devoted an entire chapter in my upcoming Past Life Journeying book to Eric Wargo’s work and Time Loops, his 2018 book. Time Loops alerted me to retrocausation—the concept that the future influences the present—so I was glad to see that the discussions about Time (now always respectfully spelled with a capital T) are ongoing. I now proudly refer to myself as, in physics professor Kenneth Wharton’s words, “retro-curious.”