I had the great good fortune to work with artist Red Pill Junkie on a break from his multi-year project The UFO Tarot deck. Now that the cover proofs have been submitted to BookBaby, my choice of self-publishing hand-holders, RPJ ( as he is known) posted about his design process on his website:
I learned a lot from reading this, as we only communicated by email and have never spoken. RPJ is an excellent writer who contributes to the Daily Grail website, my first stop for news on the fringes of the mainstream and even alternative media. My favorite line from his post is:
Reincarnation researchers are not thinking fourth-dimensionally.
I learned that RPJ only took the project after reading the sample I sent him and realizing I was dealing with that “4th dimensional” aspect in my book: Time, always respectfully spelled with a capital T.
An amazing sync appears in this post as RPJ is describing his design process and choices he made for what I call the “costumes” of the past life personalities he is depicting. When it came to “future guy”—the representation of my Future life personality from the 29th century shown on the far left—RPJ made an interesting choice:
…if our society keeps moving in the same direction, the next centuries will see the rise of ‘cyborg-like’ interphases designed to augment the capabilities of human beings; which is why I gave this guy a sort of ‘cybernetic lens’ in his right eye.
From my original notes on the session where I discovered my “future guy,"’ whom I nicknamed “George,” after the dad in the 60s futuristic cartoon The Jetsons:
- had bionic eye/computer chip by choice
That’s a big wow! I didn’t include that in the chapter on “George” in Past Life Journeying because I only hinted at his existence, introducing George as an example of what is possible with the Past Life Journeying technique plus a reframing of Time. The bionic eye, which is in fact in George’s right eye, is one of the details that requires a deeper dive into the details that I am working on for book 2.
RPJ referenced an article I’d written about but not yet posted (another sync?):
You can read my take on being “retro-curious” here.
I’d love to work with RPJ again but I expect his amazing artwork with the UFO Tarot deck will launch him internationally, and too famous to work with self-published authors. I continue to follow his writings at dailygrail.com and his artwork at https://absurdbydesign.wordpress.com.