Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


How’s this for an investment pitch:

The fantastic financial opportunity to profit from the anticipated breakthrough of time travel to the past... 

Space is not the final frontier. It's time, the most misunderstood concept in physics and philosophy. Understanding it and how its manipulation (sic) can lead to unimagined opportunities for wealth and survival in the face of all the threats discussed by experts…

Reading on, you’ll discover these people are evil.

The ramifications of having the ability to mine and exploit resources, worldwide, in the past, without any oversight or control, has been analyzed for its implications for commercial exploitation - not only here and now in the present, but at other times in other worlds. These are the unheard of opportunities that time travel to the distant past will afford investors who get involved now.

I thought they were promoting a tech solution to the world’s problems. No, they’re soliciting funds to use Time Travel technology to “mine and exploit resources…at other times in other worlds…without any oversight or control.” Clicking on their “vision” link:

If successful, we will be selling the rights to private mining and other resource harvesting firms to travel to the past for the commercial importation of minerals, lumber and other resources, for millions and millions of $.

Unbelievable. The good news is that the blog on the site hasn’t been updated since 2021 so maybe Marshall Barnes crawled through a wormhole and was eaten by a dinosaur.

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


Articles and artifacts about Time Travel now find their way to my awareness almost daily. I saw this poster at one of the shops inside the MeowWolf “immersive art experience” in Las Vegas. This poster uses the format of a call and response from a rally leader to the troops in a style that recalls George Carlin’s skewed but on point perspective.

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


I can’t claim a direct connection between Past Lives and foreign accent syndrome, but this article got my attention. From BMJ Journals, Volume 16, Issue 1:

A man in his 50s with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, receiving androgen deprivation therapy and abiraterone acetate/prednisone, presented with an uncontrollable ‘Irish brogue’ accent despite no Irish background, consistent with foreign accent syndrome (FAS). He had no neurological examination abnormalities, psychiatric history or MRI of the brain abnormalities at symptom onset.

This may be more of a human brain anomaly as the man is reported to have friends in the UK, but I always have to consider the emergence of an Adjacent/Past Life personality when I hear these reports. Food for thought…

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


An article in the February 2023 issue of Scientific American alerted me to the 25th anniversary of the Holographic Universe principle. Along with many people who don’t read scientific journals, I became aware of this concept from Michael Talbot’s book from 1991, The Holographic Universe. Talbot’s work re-emerged in 2020 when I found a copy of his previous work, Your Past Lives - A Reincarnation Handbook (1987.)

These books greatly aided in expanding my concept of Time, and I devoted a chapter in my upcoming Past Life Journeying book to the unpacking of his contribution. My February 2023 desert “drive-about” seems to have opened another door into Talbot’s work and influence. This started with Anil Ananthaswamy’s article on the 25th anniversary of the Holographic Universe concept.

Next, I heard Talbot’s name mentioned in the January 23, 2023 episode of Rob Kristofferson’s Our Strange Skies podcast. Episode 137: The History of Alien Abductions, Part 7: Whitley Strieber, Part 2 dealt with Whitley’s lesser known post-Communion publications,Transformation: The Breakthrough and Breakthrough: The Next Step. Apparently Whitley was in communication with Michael Talbot while those books were being written, and while Talbot was dealing with the illness that would take his life in 1992. I found a copy of Breakthrough through Abe’s Books and it’s on its way.

Next, a trip to Las Vegas Books delivered a copy of Talbot’s 1981 Mysticism and the New Physics. I have been looking for a copy of this for my now growing Talbot collection since this, along with his 1987 Beyond the Quantum, are out of print and not available in the Kindle format.

Then a search for Talbot’s name guided me to a reminiscence from Toby Johnson, another author who knew Talbot from that 90s time period, and a link to an article apparently written by Talbot, The Universe as a Hologram, which summarizes the Holographic principle. These are my notes from that article:

Bohm believes the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. He argues that at some deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities, but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something…

According to Bohm, the apparent faster-than-light connection between subatomic particles is really telling us that there is a deeper level of reality we are not privy to, a more complex dimension beyond our own that is analogous to the aquarium. And, he adds, we view objects such as subatomic particles as separate from one another because we are seeing only a portion of their reality.

Such particles are not separate "parts", but facets of a deeper and more underlying unity that is ultimately as holographic and indivisible as the previously mentioned rose. And since everything in physical reality is comprised of these "eidolons", the universe is itself a projection, a hologram…

In a holographic universe, even time and space could no longer be viewed as fundamentals. Because concepts such as location break down in a universe in which nothing is truly separate from anything else, time and three-dimensional space, like the images of the fish on the TV monitors, would also have to be viewed as projections of this deeper order. At its deeper level reality is a sort of superhologram in which the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously.

This suggests that given the proper tools it might even be possible to someday reach into the superholographic level of reality and pluck out scenes from the long-forgotten past. What else the superhologram contains is an open-ended question. Allowing, for the sake of argument, that the superhologram is the matrix that has given birth to everything in our universe, at the very least it contains every subatomic particle that has been or will be -- every configuration of matter and energy that is possible, from snowflakes to quasars, from blue whales to gamma rays. It must be seen as a sort of cosmic storehouse of "All That Is.” Although Bohm concedes that we have no way of knowing what else might lie hidden in the superhologram, he does venture to say that we have no reason to assume it does not contain more. Or as he puts it, perhaps the superholographic level of reality is a "mere stage" beyond which lies "an infinity of further development”…

…if the concreteness of the world is but a secondary reality and what is "there" is actually a holographic blur of frequencies, and if the brain is also a hologram and only selects some of the frequencies out of this blur and mathematically transforms them into sensory perceptions, what becomes of objective reality?

Put quite simply, it ceases to exist. As the religions of the East have long upheld, the material world is Maya, an illusion, and although we may think we are physical beings moving through a physical world, this too is an illusion.

We are really "receivers" floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency, and what we extract from this sea and transmogrify into physical reality is but one channel from many extracted out of the superhologram. This striking new picture of reality, the synthesis of Bohm and Pribram's views, has come to be called the holographic paradigm…

Thanks to the “greater forces at work” for bringing Talbot’s work back into my awareness.

This suggests that given the proper tools it might even be possible to someday reach into the superholographic level of reality and pluck out scenes from the long-forgotten past.

I am proposing Past Life Journeying IS that “proper tool” to “pluck out scenes from the long-forgotten past.” And maybe the not yet discovered Future?

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


I have numerous sources for paranormal news, with the Daily Grail as my favorite. But I recently rediscovered Coast to Coast, now online with host George Noory. “Coast” was formerly the late night AM radio home of Art Bell, and I spent many hours listening to his show driving home from gigs in the 90s.

On a recent show, George Noory spoke with "the Holistic Hypnotist" and author, Sarah Breskman Cosme. I was familiar with Cosme as I've seen her listed as presenter at UFO conferences, which lately have been including speakers on Past and Future Lives. (Yay!) Cosme is a Level 3 QHHT practitioner continuing the work of Dolores Cannon, exploring the further edges that Cannon wrote about in her later years.


In the latter half (of the show) author and master hypnotist Sarah Breskman Cosme revealed hidden knowledge she's gleaned from various hypnotic sessions...

Cosme has concluded that the various types of aliens said to be visiting our planet represent future versions of humanity from different timelines, and they are coming back to check on us. The Greys, she detailed, have an avatar-like (non-physical) body, and bred out their emotions because they thought they were a hindrance. On one timeline, Earth was destroyed, and humans moved out into space, and after a millennia, they evolved into what the Greys look like, she explained.

Regarding Atlantis, what she learned from hypnotized clients is that the ancient Atlanteans warred with another civilization, Lemuria, over powerful crystals that were given to the Lemurians by the Star People.

I had read Cosme’s first book, A Hypnotist’s Journey to Atlantis, in which her client went back to Atlantis during a past life regression. Cosme is following in Dolores Cannon’s footsteps as both a practitioner of Cannon’s QHHT but also in devoting an entire book to one client’s timeline. The Atlantis book explored their lifetime in that “mythical” land over multiple sessions. I advocate for this multi-session deep dive when this information comes to the surface. For Cosme’s client, this resulted in a “miraculous” healing as the result of clearing up unfinished business from a Past life.

Cosme has since published two more books, A Hypnotist’s Journey to the Secrets of the Sphinx, and A Hypnotist’s Journey from the Trail to the Star People which I have not read.

This crossover from my two favorite areas of study, Past Lives and the UFO/UAP phenomena, is now happening regularly. Cosme is just one of the practitioners mining these depths. I first became aware of this trend through Linda Backman's work, and her 2018 book, Souls On Earth: Exploring Interplanetary Past Lives. Dr. Larry Dossey's blurb for the book is compelling:

It would be naive to suppose that intelligent life exists only on Earth. Dr. Linda Backman's groundbreaking book offers credible evidence of evolved interplanetary souls incarnate in human bodies. Souls on Earth presents a critical understanding of the gifts and challenges of such advanced beings.

In an interesting sync, I just posted a quote from Brad Steiger about this topic from his 1988 book, The Fellowship: Spiritual Contact Between Humans and Outer Space Beings which explores this same concept:

If one accepts the eternality of the soul and its evolutionary progression, why must such a return to the source of all that is be limited to physical expression lived only on the planet earth?

If one accepts one God/intelligence for the universe, why should each soul not experience that divine handiwork, wherever it manifests itself?

If one accepts a progression of lifetimes as opportunities for growth and for learning, why should we be confined only to the “classroom“ of planet earth?

My personal sessions have taken me outside of the Earth classroom. I am still processing the information from these multiple sessions; stay tuned for more details. Email me at: if you’ve had any of these experiences you’d like to share.

Update: In an email from the 2023 Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo, this title for Caroline Cory’s presentation jumped out of the list:

Achieve Universal Consciousness:

Your True Non-Human Lineage and Higher Purpose

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


American scientist and author Robert Lanza has a new book out, Observer, incorporating his ideas into a science fiction novel with award winning author Nancy Kress. From an interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast:

"One of the premises of the novel is that death isn't the terminal event we think, 'rather it's just a break in our linear continuity of space and time,' he remarked. Lanza compared our experience of time to a record album, where we can only hear the music in the present where the needle is playing, yet the past and future exist simultaneously on the whole LP.

In another metaphor, he explained the observer effect as like a TV set – if you have it turned off, you don't see the image, yet if a neighbor has their set turned on, the picture exists for them...Lanza argues that time is actually created by the observer, and the way that we process and remember information. One fascinating possibility he related to the observer effect is the development of time travel, which he speculated might come into existence within the next 20-100 years.”

(Observer has been added to the ever grow list of books I want to read.) 

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski

Another archaeological find updates our understanding of the ancient past

From Atlas


And her clothing tells an important story, says archeologist Rita Wright

The first hurdle in Past Life Journeying is trusting the first image and then following the information received when we connect to a Past life personality wearing the costume of their era. Things are very different in the 3rd decade of the 21st century, but previously it might have been easier to dismiss a Journeyer, male or female, who connected to their past life as a female ruler.

So I love it when information that challenges the historical record finds its way to my inbox. In this article from Atlas Obscura, writer Sarah Durn speaks to archeologist and textile expert Rita Wright, professor emerita of anthropology at New York University, "who is the first to ever study (Queen) Pu-abi’s garments based on the only surviving image of her. Her findings have just been published in the new book Art/ifacts and ArtWorks in the Ancient World."

Rita Wright:
"...if I hadn’t studied Ur’s ancient women, I would have thought that the entire country was ruled by men and that all of the things that occurred in civilization, the beginning of civilization, was about what men did. And now I know that’s just one part of how civilizations develop."

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


I haven't seen nor can I recommend it, but this movie has grossed $1.5 million at the US box office, and $11.3 million worldwide:


From the summary, possibly translated from the original Japanese:

“Corporate worker Mikami is stabbed by a random killer, is reborn to an alternate world. But he is reborn as a slime. His thrown into this new world with the name Rimuru, he begins his quest to create a world that's welcoming to all races.”

(For the record, I have never had a client report having a Past life as a slime.) 

According to Wikipedia, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime is a 20 volumeJapanese fantasy novel series. The books spawned an amine series, with a 3rd season recently announced. The film version was released in November 2022. 

Also, one of the breakout films at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival was Past Lives. It is described as an "aching, deeply romantic debut feature" from writer/director Celine Song but has no connection to Past Lives other than the title. But it got my attention. 

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


How could I resist a dollar paperback with the title, THE FELLOWSHIP - SPIRITUAL CONTACT BETWEEN HUMANS AND OUTER SPACE BEINGS? Author Brad Steiger has over 100 books on paranormal topics in his resume, so I would be intrigued by whatever I found from his body of work.

But this book sat on my shelf for years and then magically made its way to my coffee table, where I picked it up and found this quote in the chapter titled : “Cosmic Soul Mates and Past Life Memories of Other Worlds.” Now I know why I picked up this paperback and held on to it.

Steiger has a multi-planetary, cosmically attuned perspective on Past Lives:

If one accepts the eternality of the soul and its evolutionary progression, why must such a return to the source of all that is be limited to physical expression lived only on the planet earth?

If one accepts one God/intelligence for the universe, why should each soul not experience that divine handiwork, wherever it manifests itself?

If one accepts a progression of lifetimes as opportunities for growth and for learning, why should we be confined only to the ‘classroom’ of planet earth?

Brad Steiger, The Fellowship (Ballantine Books, 1988) 134-135.

Food for thought. What if our souls are not confined to the classroom of planet Earth? Those Other Lives—Past or Future—can be accessed in the same way we explore any Past Life Journey. All that’s required is an intention and a greater willingness to "trust the first image" if it shows us something unexpected. This is the one of the areas I've been researching in my personal sessions during the period when public gatherings weren't happening. Stay tuned for more of the next step forward in "running" Past lives.

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


Thanks to author and educator Aletheia for compiling this list of:


Aletheia's position is:

…although it is not necessarily 'you' or 'me' who has experienced reincarnation and past lives, the ever-present soulful essence within us has.

I'm not in total agreement with her list. I never considered Empathy and Intuition as strong reincarnation indicators, as many people on the spiritual path have this enhanced sensibility.
I appreciate this list drawing my attention to "feeling older than your age." Never thought about this as a sign, but it's food for thought.
And #11 is worth the investment a few sessions.*

See if any of these resonate with you as possible signs of a Past life echoing into your present incarnation. 

1) Recurring Dreams

2) Out-of-place Memories

3) You Have a Strong Intuition

4) Déjà vu

5) You’re an Empath

6) Precognition

7) Retrocognition

8) You Feel Older Than Your Age Reflects

9) You Have a Great Affinity for Certain Cultures/Time Periods/Environments

10) Unexplainable Fears or Phobias

11) You Feel as Though this Earth Is Not Your Home*

*Number 11 is interesting to those familiar with Dolores Cannon's later work. This has become an area I’ve been exploring in my personal TimeLine Journeying sessions. More to come in 2023.

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


That’s a headline designed to get my attention. Especially the subtitle:

Reincarnation, meaningful coincidences, and NDEs require a new paradigm.

Bernard D. Beitman M.D. is the author of MEANINGFUL COINCIDENCES and a member of the faculty at the Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) at the University of Virginia, the only academic parapsychological unit in the United States. I applaud his approach, especially his inclusion of Reincarnation as a topic worthy of further study as we “re-conceptualize human identity.” Beitman stresses the importance to humanity as we confront what sees as our 6th mass extinction:

Science needs new paradigms about how reality works to be able to effectively address the many challenges to human, animal, and plant survival.

Scientism, which sees the universe as a logically knowable, predictable, controllable, and undirected process, has become a belief system, much like a religion, rather than continuing the basic intention of science—to systematically ask questions about how anomalies can be understood and used.

Scientism is not wrong. It is limited. The curiosity and openness to anomalies and their relevant data have always been part of the scientific approach to reality and need to be part of the new evolving science. The findings of NDEs, reincarnation, and synchronicity research require us to re-conceptualize human identity. NDEs suggest that people can be conscious when their brains are not functioning. What, then, is consciousness separate from the brain? Children who remember past lives are hinting at the possibility that some aspect of oneself survives bodily death. Meaningful coincidences suggest that we are imbued with untapped abilities while also being guided by currently mysterious forces.

It’s encouraging to read about faculty professionals confronting the belief system of scientism which would dismiss my Past and Future lives work as unworthy of serious consideration. Next door to be pushed open: Species-ism! (More to come on that)

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


Cephalopods Can Pass a Cognitive Test Designed For Human Children

Cuttlefish were shown to have the ability to pass the "marshmallow test." In this delayed gratification test, a child is seated in front of a marshmallow and told they can have one marshmallow/snack immediately, OR wait 15 minutes and have 2 marshmallows. (Full disclosure: If they used chocolate as the snack, I totally would have failed this test at any time before age 50.)
With cuttlefish, it was waiting for their preferred snack, shrimp, instead of crab meat.
(One of my favorite movies, Arrival, used cephalopods as the model for the advanced alien species that "arrived" in large craft over multiple countries.) 

Identical college twins were accused of cheating in an exam by signaling. They won $1.5 million in damages after a jury decided they hadn't cheated because their minds were connected.

Twin sisters Kayla & Kellie Bingham were formally accused of cheating at Medical University of South Carolina because the faculty  thought "the similar scores they'd got in an important exam were more than just a coincidence."

Kellie told the council that their answers had been highly similar since first grade. She said they'd graded within a fraction of a point of one another at high school. Their SAT scores had been identical. They'd received the same score when they'd taken tests on different days and in different locations.

A professor at their college before law school wrote in their defense. He said in a letter that they'd submitted the exact same answers — some right, some wrong — for an exam that he'd supervised in 2012. They'd been sitting at opposite ends of the classroom, the professor wrote. 

Professor Nancy Segal “who founded the Twin Studies Center at California State University, Fullerton, told the jury about the "very close intertwining" of twins. She said that cheating complaints against twins are "common" in academia.”

'Identical twins just have this kind of understanding that goes beyond what we typically think of as a close relationship.'


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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


I love it when scientists discover information about our deep past that aligns with what myself and my clients discover in Past Life Journeys. When exploring a more primitive timeline, animal skins and hides are the most common response when asking about what the past life personality is wearing.

The study, published by researchers from the University of Tübingen, and the Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment (SHEP) in Tübingen, examined traces of bones from a cave bear, found in the Schöningen archaeological site in Lower Saxony, Germany.

These researchers found evidence of skinning or striping of hides in places that do not have much meat.

“The find opens up a new perspective”, says Tübingen Professor Nicholas Conard, head of the Schöningen research project. “Animals were not only used for food, but their pelts were also essential for survival in the cold. The use of bear skins is likely a key adaptation of early humans to the climate in the north.”

I’m not overly concerned with finding documentation or scientific proof of costumes or practices in ancient societies. But it smoothes the way for “trusting the first image” when scientists make discoveries that back up information received in multiple Past life sessions.

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski

Fun Facts about Reincarnation, thanks to Matt Miksa

Author Matt Miksa found these facts when researching his novel, Don’t Get Close, available on Amazon:

  • According to Gallup, reincarnation appears to be making a comeback (pun intended). 65% more people believe now compared to 20 years ago

  • 36% of Catholics and one in four Protestants believe in reincarnation, also based on that Pew Research

  • Dr. Jim Tucker, psychiatrist and past-life researcher at the University of Virginia, analyzed over 2,000 cases of remembered past lives. "30% of the cases he studied involved a past life of someone who had died a natural death. These cases were evenly split between males and females, reflecting the general population. However, of the remaining 70% of cases, where the past life ended in an accidental or unnatural death, a whopping 73% involved males." Considering that men's dangerous jobs lead to far more men than women dying unnaturally, "Dr. Tucker reasoned that someone may be more likely to remember a past life if it ended in a violent or unnatural death." (This tracks with my experiences with clients, especially in the first session.)

  • The University of Virginia Division of Perceptual Studies investigated those unnatural deaths—people who believe they were murdered or accidentally killed— and found that “subjects in over one third of these cases exhibit an intense fear of that particular cause of death. For some, their elevated level of anxiety resembled that of a patient suffering from PTSD after a traumatizing event.”

  • Some good news: those same UV researchers found that nearly one in ten people who remember a past life exhibit a skill related to that former life.

  • More good news: Kim Tucker also found 26% of people who remember a past life demonstrate some other form of ESP.

  • Sorry, more bad news: 58% of people who remember drowning in a past life have an extreme fear of water. Dr. Jim Tucker speculates this may be because “drowning victims spend more time in the process of dying” than victims of other unnatural deaths. (This lends credibility to the importance of exploring and clearing the emotional state of our final moments in past lives.)

  • Back to the good news: 20% of people who remember a past life also remember something from the time between death and rebirth. (I call this the Non-Physical Experience Between lives, and in my sessions, it’s more like 75% because we actively explore the NPE.)

  • 2% of people who remember a past life can accurately describe their funeral.

    Thanks to author Matt Miksa, who found these facts when researching his novel, Don’t Get Close.

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


In my upcoming book Past Life Journeying, I write about Bruce Goldberg, a hypnotherapist whose presentation at a UFO conference I attended in 2020 opened the Time door for me. This opened my mind to the possibility that, as Goldberg explains in his book, Past Lives, Future Lives Revealed

“...because all time is simultaneous, the cause of a present-day problem could very well rest in a  future lifetime.”

Imagine my surprise when I was inspired to read Arthur C Clarke's Childhood’s End.  Clarke. who worked with Stanley Kubrick on the classic film 2001, wrote this in 1953 (!):

“'You already had proof that time is more complex than your science ever imagined. For that memory was not of the past, but of the future…It was as if a distorted echo had reverberated round the closed circle of time, from the future to the past. Call it not a memory, but a premonition.'

The idea was hard to grasp, and for a moment Jan wrestled with it in silence. Yet he should have been prepared; he had already received proof enough that cause and event could reverse their normal sequence."

My Past (and now Future) Life Journeys are providing me with “proof” about the complexity of Time. I'm beginning to appreciate writer Jacques Vallee’s opinion that rather than better science, maybe we need better science fiction.

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


I’d previously posted this excerpt from Ainslie Macleod’s blog in my newsletter:

“Anyone who thinks children are born as a blank slates clearly has never been around one.” But there’s more wisdom there:

I said it in my first book, and it’s worth repeating here: anyone who thinks children are born as blank slates has clearly never been around one. 

Your soul comes into each life with plans, goals, and millennia of experience, like a computer that comes out of the box loaded with software, games and apps.

With multiple lifetimes of experience behind it, you’d think your soul would have all the answers. Sadly, that’s not the case.

Your soul is on a long journey here on the earthly plane, coming back time and time again to pick up new knowledge, and to learn what it is to be human.

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


British podcaster Howard Hughes is always a great interviewer on his “The Unexplained” podcast. In May 2022, he spoke to Dr. Scott Taylor about a topic based on his own life: the Shared Death Experience. Dr. Taylor had a life-changing encounter at the bedside of a dying loved one, where he “watched” (with closed eyes) as the spirit of his late girlfriend’s son lifted out of the body by his mother. Dr. Taylor was then allowed to interact with the reunited mother and son.

Howard was asking him about life on the Other Side of death:

The main purpose in coming into physical existence is to experience contrast….In the non-physical world, there isn’t such a thing. Everything is connected to everything else. And so you have instant access to the knowledge of the universe. And it’s this strange place where you have this individual consciousness…You know, “I am Scott Taylor.” And at the same time, I am also a part of the collective that is the human race…The non-physical universe is run by the words “Both/And” as opposed to “Either/Or.” In physical matter/duality, we're here and I’m me, and Howard is Howard, and we’re different, and we’re separate. But in the non-physical reality, the reality of the unity universe, I am me…you are you, but we are also together. We are also part of the same collective that is the human consciousness. So Both/And runs that, and down here, it’s Either/Or where we recognize our separateness.

Dr. Taylor is the former president and executive director of the Monroe Institute who wrote his doctoral thesis on “Near-Death Experiences: Discovering and living in unity.” In November 2022, he’’ll be conducting a 5 1/2 -day Near-Death Experience Intensive. This online retreat utilizes Hemi-Sync, the Monroe Institutes binaural beat sound technology to “takes you to the powerful and sacred spaces visited by NDE and SDErs.” (Referring to Near Death Experience and Shared Death Experience):

During this first-of-its-kind NDE immersion, you’ll gently explore the non-physical universe by visiting the realms encountered by NDErs.

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


Here’s an Off-Broadway play in NYC that is either a step forward or giant leap backward for Hypnosis. An experienced hypnotist, Asad Mecci, teams up with an equally experienced Improv pro, Colin Mochrie from the TV show, “Who’s Line Is It Anyway?” for an off-Broadway show they call “Hyprov.”

Mecci and Mochrie combine their talents for a show that explores creativity in the absolute weirdest way possible — Using hypnosis to turn 20 audience members into an impromptu Improv group, regardless of experience (or talent.)

Mecca’s thought process is ”while new improvisers take a second to think about what to do, hypnotized performers just react, because they have ‘the part of their brain that deals with self-criticism wiped clean.’”

I have my own thoughts on people having parts of their brains wiped clean but this show has already toured internationally and is now Off-Broadway until the end of October. Video below:

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


I follow a podcast by AI researcher Lex Fridman whose interviews are always fascinating even when I don’t agree with him. I was listening to a recent interview with Liv Boeree, a self-described “Science Broadcaster, Futurist and Poker Champion.” They were discussing Game Theory when her description took a turn for the cosmic:

Lex: So everything’s a game.

Liv Boeree: …The Universe, what if it’s a game and the goal of the game is to figure out either how to beat it, how to get out of it. Maybe this Universe is an escape room, like a giant escape room, and the goal is to figure out…pull all the pieces of the puzzle, figure out how it works, in order to, like, unlock this…hyperdimensional key and get out beyond what it is….And you level up. Like us becoming inter-planetary would be a level-up. Or us trying to figure out how to upload our consciousnesses…That would probably be a leveling up. Or spiritually - humanity becoming more combined and less adversarial and bloodthirsty, and us becoming a little bit more enlightened. That would be a leveling up.

If one of the questions most asked about pursuing Past Lives is “Why do this work?” Liv Boeree may have delivered a great answer:

“To Level Up. To unlock this hyper dimensional key and get out beyond physical reality.”

That was one minute of a 3 hour discussion.

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Bobby Baranowski Bobby Baranowski


Thomas Mann from the opening of his mythologically-conceived tetralogy, Joseph and His Brothers:

‘Very deep is the well of the past. Should we not call it bottomless? ... No matter to what hazardous lengths we let out our line they still withdraw, again and further into the depths.’

Thomas Mann, Joseph and his Brothers (Everyman’s Library, 2005) Preface.


Email from the Ananda organization, devoted to carrying on the work of Paramahansa Yogananda:

"The Masters work in very long rhythms to bring about the spiritual evolution of the planet."

- Nayaswami Jyotish

(An interesting take on Time with a capital-T?)


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